Reak or Fake Stanozolol tabs ?

amino says real. i say fake, but i don't say it with a high degree of confidence. it's just i haven't seem 'em like that. chew on a couple of them: if they taste like sugar, then they're probably fake.
The left one is definitely real. I have used them before. Very small bottle. Right one ain't too sure.
the ones on the left are 100% legit... the ones on the right i have never seen before. could be from a UGL tho so you never know until you try them...
the right one is most prob fake...cos my friend who has been taking steroids for close to a decade and have alot of roid friends, he saw me and say i dun look like someone who has been on 50mg ED for 20 days already.
both are from UG labs so I'd say both are good to go. Sometimes packaging don't mean shit, some of the best stuff I've used came with pen written labels...hahaha.