real or fake clen

so the color looks right?

Did u get the shakes? how many were u taking a week and 4 how many weeks?

heard its 2weeks on 2weeks off
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it's geneeza pharmaceuticals clen. Definitely legit looking. how did you feel while taking it? it's very easy to tell if it's good clen because you get the shakes like no other. I can't even handle one 50mcg cap of svensk apotek clen.... too strong!!!
Well man i dont get shakes with clen anymore, maybe when i first ever started using it. The way i know now is the raise in bodytemp. I have tried various types of clen and to me the chinese generic is the strongest, but also loved axio and geneza worked well also. 2 wks on 2 wks off is probably the way to go if you dont have ketotifen on hand. I always have keto on hand so that i can run it for 2 weeks on and then only take about 5 days off with 1mg keto everynight during those 5 days. That works really well for me
thanks for the help guys,

my gf has acualy been taking it, she took 1 for the first three days then went up by half.

max 3 a day. She didnt really loose much so should she up the dose?