Rebuilding after surgery


New member
I had surgery on my neck about 5 years ago and I never did fully recover. I haven't worked out at all in that 5 years and things have been really going down hill. My doctor tested me for low T and told me that it was very low. I was able to work it up to 200 ml a week after some trial and error, but still had very little improvement. So I went ahead and doubled my dose. I have actually started working out again and my neck and back have improved a lot. I'm not trying to be the next Mr. Universe; I just want to rebuild my body and be able to function and have better quality of life. What are somethings I can do to further my improvement. Am I good at this dose or should I go up or even add somethings?
If you haven't worked out at all in 5 years you can't just jump in with both training and gear. You need to take it easy and get your body acclimated to a training regimen THEN add gear at a later date.

Go back to your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose, add no other compounds, train hard and eat right.
I have only been working out real light to start and the improvement in my quality of life is to drastic to go all the way back down now. For once I can actually get out and do things. My injuries were limiting how much I even got off the couch.
I have only been working out real light to start and the improvement in my quality of life is to drastic to go all the way back down now. For once I can actually get out and do things. My injuries were limiting how much I even got off the couch.

If you're going to stick around here and ask questions you need to be prepared to hear things you're not going to like.

I realize that being injured and incapacitated sucks but you can't become dependent on high dosages of AAS to make your life rosy. High levels are only temporary so you need to be prepared for it to come to an end.
I agree. The whole plan is to get my body to a functional state again. The improvements I have had in the last in 2 months are great. I have no interest in being the next Mr. Universe. I just want to have a better standard of life. 400 ml a week is what I'm doing currently and I have no intention of going any higher.
make sure your not just training hard but training Smart too! neck injuries are no joke and being on AAS even for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can sometimes go to your head causes you to overexert yourself which would really set you back bro. take it easy and make sure to be extra careful with form
Thanks. Your right on the money. I am being overly careful. I am starting out with light weights, low reps, and short work outs. Even the little bit I am doing along with the test C I'm taking is making a noticeable difference. Not just in how I look, but in how much more active I've become.
Well, first off, I assume you are taking 400mg per week, not 400ml per week. 400mg per week is a steroid cycle. And again, we can't just go off of how we feel while taking doses like that. There is a fine line between feeling bad and dying. So if you are doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), how many MG's per week did your doctor prescribe? If it is indeed 200mg, then that should be plenty for 95% of the population. You need to be monitoring your test, estrogen, SHBG, DHT, DHEA, thyroid, etc. It takes a lot of time to dial in your hormones. You also need to be monitoring your blood pressure as well. Give us dosages, etc. Also, are you on any anti-e's?? What about HCG??
I was prescribed 200mg and I'm actually taking about 300 to 350, and no I haven't started any anti-E's yet. I'm still in the process of trying to learn all of this.
I was prescribed 200mg and I'm actually taking about 300 to 350, and no I haven't started any anti-E's yet. I'm still in the process of trying to learn all of this.

I assume your doctor prescribed 200mg per week?? If so, that should be plenty. And again, the only way to know is to blood test and see where your levels are at. How old are you?? If you are thinking of having kids someday, you might want to get on some HCG and run it along with your testosterone. A sample testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Protocol looks like this:

100-200mg Test C or E per week
250ius of HCG twice per week
12.5-25mg Aromasin EOD
I'm 45 just this last month. What are the HCG and Aromasin for?

I see. HCG is used to try to keep your natural testosterone running. Basically when you shoot exogenous testosterone, your testicles atrophy and stop producing testosterone because there is some floating around in you. So HCG signals your LH (Lutenizing hormone) to produce more testosterone, thus keeping your testicles functioning. As for Aromasin. That is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Aromitase Inhibitor) which is basically an Anti Estrogen. Guys usually use Aromasin or Arimidex for their Anti-Estrogens, etc. When you are shooting testosterone, your estrogen can spike, thus causing issues. You want to make sure your estrogen is in check. Some guys aromatize their testosterone to estrogen a lot easier than others. Some guys can be on 100mg per week of testosterone and not need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). However, some guys are estrogen sensitive and do need one. I need one for my 100mg per week. So everyone is different. You need to balance your estrogen. When your estrogen is too high or too low, it can cause issues such as high blood pressure, erectile issues, etc.
That explains a lot. LOL. So do I talk to my doctor about both of these or is this one of those things that I will have to research?