Charles Bronson
old timey gentleman
no mOre pics?
dude - 5,879 pics of you waist up in front of a mirror looking all puffed like a bullfrog with a spare tire around your fucking neck
these guys put up their backs and wheels - how about posting some fucking pics before saying " no more pics"
lets see it, back and legs or STFU already!!!!
all you've done is talk smack until even i had to start fucking hating you
like a force of nature - the god damn tide coming it - was nothing i could do about it
and when i callied you on it (with your comment about someones woman???) instead of doing some manly shit like owning up to that being out of line douchebaggery - keeping things on some level of god damn man talk -
you post a picture of you waist up again with some comment ilke - here is a teaser for your girl!!!
there is no amount of bulking or cutting going to make you less of a dickhead.
put down the AAS nd work on your personality and charisma
search your soul man
dude - 5,879 pics of you waist up in front of a mirror looking all puffed like a bullfrog with a spare tire around your fucking neck
these guys put up their backs and wheels - how about posting some fucking pics before saying " no more pics"
lets see it, back and legs or STFU already!!!!
all you've done is talk smack until even i had to start fucking hating you
like a force of nature - the god damn tide coming it - was nothing i could do about it
and when i callied you on it (with your comment about someones woman???) instead of doing some manly shit like owning up to that being out of line douchebaggery - keeping things on some level of god damn man talk -
you post a picture of you waist up again with some comment ilke - here is a teaser for your girl!!!
there is no amount of bulking or cutting going to make you less of a dickhead.
put down the AAS nd work on your personality and charisma
search your soul man