Recipe for Methenalone Enanthate

I'm picking up 20g of Methenalone Enanth(primo) powder and looking for the recipe for say 200or250mg/ml. Is pain an issue with this hormone @ that dose or could you go higher? This will be my first brew, but been reading up on this subject for awhile now.
68ml (oil)
20 grams powder
2ml BA
15ml BB

This will give you 100ml@200mg/ml with 2%ba/15%bb.

szav said:
68ml (oil)
20 grams powder
2ml BA
15ml BB

This will give you 100ml@200mg/ml with 2%ba/15%bb.

Have you tried this yourself or just doing the math? Thanks for your input.
The reason I ask is that the powder is less than cheap. I dont wanna end up having it crash, or painful injects. If its done right it should be painfree. I've had Test E that would cripple me, and some that was smooth as butter. All were U.G. I've been reading up quite a bit though and it seems that the BB helps to keep the pain factor down.
This is the recipe I always use for my Primo. I've never had a problem with it crashing or with any pain. I've seen a couple of UGL's make it at 300mg/ml, but I think they were using EO as the carrier. The recipe I provided should be fine Bro :)

Guys!! is this recipe gtg?

Methenelone Enanth. for 5 grams
5 grams powder
18.75ml sesame oil
1.25ml BA 5%
1.25ml BB 5%
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 5 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach Whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though Whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through Whatman into solution.

Makes 25 ml @ 200 mg/ml
You just love to bump 6 year old topics.

Why would you heat the oil? You are going to be sterile filtering it. Sounds like a waste of time. Any little baddies left after filtration is taken care of by the BA. Thats its purpose.
Agree with Denver. Heating the oil is pointless. Also get some glassware and don't use muffin pans and frying pans