Recommend Best private email


Mr. Roboto
What's the best private email site to use? I use my own servers, so it's relatively secure but am thinking of maybe getting a private mail address. Some people say to avoid hush mail....
I used safe-mail for years and have no issues other than the servers being down from time to time. Also use guardmail and actually prefer it over safe-mail
Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles but there is no secure e-mail. Fuck, nothing on the internet is secure. I know two people who've worked with the NSA, one designed some of their software the other was an actual employee, and according to them there is no way there is absolutely no possible way to keep your privacy when dealing with any electronic which connects to the internet. Besides, even if you managed to slip by them most of the time all it takes is one slip up for them to have the means for an warrant. I honestly don't think the government cares who's using so long as they aren't dealing. Start ordering kilograms of powder and you're asking for trouble, but other than that there's not much to worry about.