Recommended peptides for aging martial artist


New member
I'm a 45 year old guy and my main sport is BJJ which I train 3 times a week. I'm finding that despite decent warmups, cool downs, stretching, adequate protein & sleep etc that I'm getting pretty knackered from training sessions. I'm feeling beaten up all over - muscle aches, sore joints, dog tired that night and tired and stiff the next day. It takes me like 3 days before I'm feeling normal again.

I have a host of chronic injuries which give me paint too: old back and shoulder surgeries, knuckle stiffness from grip fighting, dodgy disks in my neck etc. If a cycle helped with these that would be good too.

I'm wondering which, if any, of the peptides might benefit me in dealing with the sport better, helping with aches and pains, help me recover quicker etc? Ideally I'd like to keep it simple and safe with minimum number of substances and doses as is practical.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
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My advice would be to shift from an external martial art to an internal one. Your body is simply aging and it will only get older (at least that is the goal - to keep getting older). Take your knowledge and wisdom already gained and shift to the internal arts. Your body will thank you. :)

A great peptide to use as a healing aid is Thymosin beta-4, aka TB4, aka TB500 (that is what veteranarians use on horses to help them heal). If you search the peptide forum you can find several logs where people recorded their use of TB500 as a healing aid. It is not magic, it simply helps your body fix itself faster - you still have to help it fix itself by taking it easy for a bit while it works. It takes weeks to start to see anything, but in my opinion it is a great peptide.

I am sure others will pipe in with some other advice.
at your age i wouldn't be looking into peptides per say..

what are your natural test levels at?? also hgh might be a great option for you too..

usually test and gh put together will make an older guy feel young again.. test alone doesn't do it.. because im on hrt and though im much younger than you im getting the starting feelings of the aging process and will be considering doing gh regularly in the near future
Thanks for the info guys,

I've no idea about my T levels. Getting tested in the UK seems a bit complicated. Certainly NHS doc isn't interested. Also I'm pretty cautious about doing anything on my NHS record since life insurance and pension firms get access to them (you sign over this right) when you die and can result in you not getting paid). So I'd need to find a private confidential doc to do this. I'm searching around for someone.

TB500 looks interesting for injuries but I was hoping for more of a "exilir of youth" element too! I was under the impression that the peptides increasing your GH would have a similar effect to GH which would generally assist with these things.
I'm gonna get my T tested I think.

BUt on the peptide front - are you guys saying that I wouldn't benefit from peptides in terms of better recovery etc?
hgh would be on the top of the list of that..

or you can run ghrp-2/6