Recovering from major knee surgery. Need help.


New member
Im dealing with an extreme knee injury for the last 16 months. I had 3 surgeries and I know my knee is not ever gonna come back to where it was. I have extreme muscle atrophy and I would like someone to point me in the right direction. I am now 2 months out from my last surgery and I am still unable to walk. Maybe deca or test.
What are your stats..?
I'm not recommended it, but I took hgh, deca, and test after back surgery , to perhaps help with the healing process and keep muscle wasting at bay during recovery
As someone that spent almost 3 years dealing with multiple knee surgeries, the one thing you definitely need is: to do your physical therapy.

I cannot stress to you how important this is with the recovery process! You want those connective tissues to heal and regain their elasticity - AAS will do the OPPOSITE. Worry about muscle later, when you can train properly and more importantly - have built that joint back up to snuff.

I also want to warn you about the opiates. I am not suggesting that you're still on them, but my doc was essentially a pain killer dispenser, and I wound up hooked on them. Long term use of these destroyed the leydig cells in my testes; putting me on TRT for the rest of my life. Not a single doctor warned me of this, and certainly none of them ever thought to check hormones afterwards. This part of my post may be overkill - but seeing those images really reminded me of what I went through, and wished I could have avoided it.

If you REALLY want to speed things up and insist on using a drug/hormone, seek human growth hormone. It can assist with the regeneration of the tissues at hand.

I wish you a speedy recovery!

My .02c :)
Im 6'4 180. Hit gym 3 times a week. Physical therapy 3 times a week. But knee is severly damaged. Very stubborn does not want to heal. Can you recommend a place to get hgh or send me in the right direction for deca and test?
I definitely take my physical therapy seriously. I know how important it is and I know it is the number one thing to do. But I worked out effortlessly for the last 13 months before my surgery to no avail.

Thank you for the advice on the opiates. Ive been off of them for a while and I dont plan on using them. Can you send me in the right direction for the hgh or maybe some deca or test
I definitely take my physical therapy seriously. I know how important it is and I know it is the number one thing to do. But I worked out effortlessly for the last 13 months before my surgery to no avail.

Thank you for the advice on the opiates. Ive been off of them for a while and I dont plan on using them. Can you send me in the right direction for the hgh or maybe some deca or test

Typo? Or are you really 6'4" and 180lbs?!

Forget the steroids and talk to your Ortho. He may know (or he might himself) a physician that can prescribe HGH. As far as asking for sources here, that's against the board rules, sorry.
Yea Im 6' and 3/4'' and 180. I asked my surgeon about anabolics and I told him "I know you can't tell me to do them, but could someone in my situation with my problem benefit from taking anabolics?" And he replied "yes"

I have a major chondral defect in my knee. Im was missing a peice of cartilage the size of a quarter and 85% of my meniscus. Ive gone through 18 months of pain. 3 sugeries later. Never gained even half my muscle back. Countless hours in the gym. I think Im at the point when I can consider anabolics.. and sorry I didnt know that was against the rules.
Yea Im 6' and 3/4'' and 180. I asked my surgeon about anabolics and I told him "I know you can't tell me to do them, but could someone in my situation with my problem benefit from taking anabolics?" And he replied "yes"

I have a major chondral defect in my knee. Im was missing a peice of cartilage the size of a quarter and 85% of my meniscus. Ive gone through 18 months of pain. 3 sugeries later. Never gained even half my muscle back. Countless hours in the gym. I think Im at the point when I can consider anabolics.. and sorry I didnt know that was against the rules.

I still don't think you can really train effectively enough to take advantage of using AAS. If you insist on going about this, I would at least go get a full comprehensive blood workup done to see what you're working with. Testosterone (total and free), estradiol, TSH, FT3, FT4, CBC, metabolic panel (lipids), and any other goodies your doctor may suggest.

Believe me, I know how it feels to atrophy to nothing. I was deadlifting over 700lbs before I got hurt, and could barely support my own body weight afterwards. Keep working hard and be vigilant, you will come out ahead of this in due time.