Recurring welt on delp injection site


New member
I had a rather large lump on my delt after a shot of sustanon went sub-q, which seemed to have gone into a sterile abscess and took 5-6 weeks to completely dissipate. Since It has gone, I keep getting smaller welts on the area where the lump was. The bump looks a little white in color and around the area is very red very red. It looks like a large mosquito bite with the redness being a little bigger than a quarter. It's very itchy and only lasts 3-4 hours.
Seems more like an allergic reaction than anything. Anyone have any ideas what this could be?
How in the hell does a delt shot ever somehow go sub-q. ?

What's your bf%. .. What length pin are you using ?
Could be a reaction to ethyl oleate; a common carrier used by some labs. Do you experience this on other sites, or ONLY delts?