Red Cross platelet blood donation lower RBC?


New member
I will be traveling to an area that is on the deferral list because of zika. I will not be elligable to donate again until after I return from travel at which time I will be deferred.

Does platelet donation lower RBC / HCT. I'm aware that red blood cells are returned back to the doner, but I have to believe some are damaged / destroyed in the process .

Any other thoughts on another donation type I can do I the mean time ?
Yes, platelet apheresis does lower HCT due to hemolysis, but traveling to a Zika area will defer you just the same as donating whole blood. The deferral is 28 days where I go.
Yes, platelet apheresis does lower HCT due to hemolysis, but traveling to a Zika area will defer you just the same as donating whole blood. The deferral is 28 days where I go.

Same here 28 days on the blood donation deferral. I'm not eligible to donate whole blood until after I return. My thinking is to donate platelets before my travel and exactly 28 days after I return. I just wanted to ensure it would be worth my time to donate platelets. Thanks for confirming it will be worth while.