Red rash on my legs


New member
Hi Guys,

Just a quick question. Started taking dbols and deca two weeks ago.
Into week two...right after my leg workout I noticed red dots all over my lower legs.
Not sure if this can be due to some reaction to steroids. I've taken same before and never had this problem. It's not painfull or itchy.

Considering going to check it out...but not sure what info should I disclose to doctor.
Any advise what this might be?
No advice on rash have had this happen in the past though, went away on its own

Would like to add that test should always be a base in your cycle, which I did not see...

Many risks involved with no test
I honestly do not see a slight rash as a reason to stop cycle

I do believe however a form of test should be added ASAP

If you do not I would count on you're dick not working very soon
Thanks for reply. I will add test this week.
Meanwhile, This rash is bit's not itchy at all...but they are dark red bigger circles...and only on my lower legs.

If I see doctor should I disclose Im using roids?
Thanks for reply. I will add test this week.
Meanwhile, This rash is bit's not itchy at all...but they are dark red bigger circles...and only on my lower legs.

If I see doctor should I disclose Im using roids?

I would never disclose to a doctor more then is necessary, I would let him do the talking and go from there. It may be something quite simple...

Also test should be dosed at 500mgs per week and run test 2 weeks longer then the deca