reduce some %bf


New member
hey im gonna start my 3rd cycle next week...
12 weeks test cypionate 625mg
4 weeks naposim 25mg

i wanna lose some fat,
how many calories do i need to eat per day,
n also how many carbs proteins n' fat do i need?,
AT PURPOSE of losing fat...
im 20
5'9 ft
Why run Dbol when youre trying to lean up? i dont get it.

Why not just run test at 200mg week to help keep you anabolic and focus on your diet?
estray said:
Why run Dbol when youre trying to lean up? i dont get it.

Why not just run test at 200mg week to help keep you anabolic and focus on your diet?

So is 200mg of test just a very mild growth? just asking cause i would like to get on a mild cycle after i finish my bulk cyc of test c 300mg and eq 300 weekly. this is my 2nd cyc by the way and i know to let the proper time pass to recover the nat test