Reforvit-B Good or bad ?


New member
Have a bottle of Reforvit-B. Don't know to much about this stuff. Any info would help. Made by oeffler, 50 ml bottle. No pic at time.
Mex vet gear sucks. Ive used it with semi decent results. Its obviously underdosed.

Careful with any Mex Vet gear...its usually underdosed, underfilled and the sterility is suspect.

Keep us updated.

its dbol and in this case i would administer it orally. i would only inject that if i sterile filtered it first.
HeHateMe said:
Just shoot it in your mouth with a syringe and wash it down with OJ or some other beverage.
or even shoot it into a empty capsule . that works fairly well lol
Personally I would only take Ref B if it was a last resort. I had some a long time ago and remember I could taste that shit in my mouth after I injected it.

There are too many other good labs around to mess with that stuff.
