reovery after long term of deca durabolin


New member
first off all sorry for my bad english.
let me make this straight.i was so dumb and someone suggested me a deca durabolin and test injections for my rc tendon recovery.
i used 6 test 200mg + deca 100mg twice a week and 5 days off between each shot but i got more dumb and continued to use deca for about 2 months since then my life went trough shit and i didn't do any recovery after it just like said so i was a n00b and dumb ass.
my test levels were really got low and i can't even recover from muscle soreness and i'm highly depressed so i wen't to doc and he told me to do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection twice a week and gave me some shit to clean up my liver etc and also he said i should take tomoxifen 10mg per day as well he said it could help to test levels to come back to normal again.after the last injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i got better and my test levels came back up again and my balls got recovered and came back to original size and number of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections that i took was (3) 5 days between each.
but still i feel like crap and test levels are still low and depressed as hell and really feel weak and insomnia is killing me and still muscle recovery takes my longer than normally should be and i really got my question is do i need any more Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections and any other shit to get rid off the side effects a little bit more and
at least get my sleep and my test back again and i'm wondering if my test levels will ever come back to normal again and my sleep as well and do i need to use any more drug or supplement to speed up the post cycle therapy (pct) recovery?
almost forgot my libido is really low and i barely can feel my dick and i lost a lots of appetite and what ever i eat stays much longer in my stomach and depression started 2 to 3 weeks after the last injection of deca.
again sorry for my bad english.
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