Reputable body builder Naso bashes steroid use


New member
Just wondering what you guys think of this, Naso who is a pretty popular aesthetic body buiilder posted this anti steroid claim on Facebook and made steroids sound like poison. I've done 2 cycles myself, so it made me feel kind of concerned if a reputable body builder considers that stuff poisonous... Hope you guys are familiar with who I'm talking about

So I'm always asked if I'd ever enhance (take steroids). Even though it's mind blowing how many young kids are getting onto the stuff, I have and will always stick to my reasons.
My first reason for staying natural is that I care about my well-being and health. Why would I want to inject a chemical that mimics hormones inside my body and mess with my natural production just to add some more muscle lol you guys can't be serious. I was raised intellectually, hence why to this day not a single drug has entered my body.
Now you can tell me all about professional bodybuilders etc or tell me there's a right and wrong way to take steroids lol but that's just laughable. Any half-brained person knows you're internally destroying that body your parents raised and looked after, so great respect you guys must have for yourselves and the ones who brought you up.
Be a smart sickcunt, look after your health and body, be the best you can be naturally because that's what you are meant to be. Once you take something like that you are no longer relying on yourself and you're just an artificial chemical ridden physique.
And to those that just want to be big because they think it's all about being big and you get respect or whatever reasons kids have these days, the real alpha my not be the biggest, but he's the smartest one who trains for health just as much as he trains for aesthetics. He hits a good gym session, takes his protein, eats his food and goes to bed knowing his system is clean and there's no hormonal drugs floating though his body while he sleeps.
That's a smart sickcunt.
I hate steroid bashers, they talk some bullshit wich sometimes sounds to be legit, but never is, plus when I saw him I think there is a good possibility of him juicing, although talking this bulshit.