Restart post cycle therapy (pct) after orals-only cycle?


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Restart pct after orals-only cycle?

Hi there!

Its been 28 days since my cycle ended. I had 5 weeks with winstrol and dianabol, and 4 weeks of turinabol. I didnt dare the needle, but after reading plenty, i found out i did a terrible mistake.

When the cycle ended, i jumped on nolvadex for 2 weeks. After those two weeks my libdo dissapered, and my willy went limp. now its 2 weeks after pct cycle ended, and my libdo and willy is still gone.

Im scared out of my mind, and need help! Im going to the doctor next week for blood work, but is it an idea to restart nolvadex, or is it something else i should do?
I didnt read enough before I started. I asked my dealer most of the questions... For how long should i be on clomid? Isnt nolvadex the better option for pct?
There are a lot of opinions as to which is better. Probably should have ran post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks.
Get bloodwork done for sure to see where you're at. What dosages did you run during your 2 week post cycle therapy (pct)? I want to tell you that you could finish up the post cycle therapy (pct) now, but I'd wait until somebody that has more experience with this chimes in. I'm not an expert at failed post cycle therapy (pct).
20 mg a day.

Im 85kg and 21 years if that got anything to say... What should i asked tested for? Estrogen and testosterone?

Thanks for help!
20 mg a day.

Im 85kg and 21 years if that got anything to say... What should i asked tested for? Estrogen and testosterone?

Thanks for help!

pretty low for nolva post cycle therapy (pct) dose

recomended post cycle therapy (pct):
Nolva 40/40/20/20 and
Clomid 50/50/50/50

might be a bit lighter post cycle therapy (pct) on oral only cycle though.