Results from Prop @ 250/wk ??

Hey bro my 1st cycle was sustanon 250 every 5 days ad I gained 25lbs, and kept every ounce. Pretty good I think. Just remember PCT.
steveono said:
Hey bro my 1st cycle was sustanon 250 every 5 days ad I gained 25lbs, and kept every ounce. Pretty good I think. Just remember PCT.

you didnt lose any gains coming off?
If you are well below your natural maximum potential then YES you can get good gains from 250/week. but you have to train well and NOT like they do in the magazines and you have to eat well and sleep really well. See my post on how to keep gains from roids.

As an estimate of natural max......the average guy with average genetics and a medium bone structure that stands 5'9 or 10" tall can get to a lean(not ripped) 190-195 without steroids....max bench of about 275-300, full squat about 400 and deads of about 500 pounds.

In fact 250 will get you slowly to a point a little above your natural max bro....BUT!... after that it takes more and more gear to see less and less results.

250 of test enanthate or cyp gives about 190 mg of prue testosterone(minus ester weight).....thats at least twice what a lucky bro puts out you do the math bro.

But as I said once you get to natural max and up it takes more and more gear to see less and less results....until you are taking GRAMS of gear a week to se an extra 3 pounds of muscle.. and thats nuts unless you are making your living off of bodybuilding.

250-500 of test a week imakes a fine cycle for all but advanced men. You will gain a little faster off of 500/week but you might also get more sides too...and at about 500 a week you should take a mg of arimidex to limit water weight gain. Also some estrogen from the test aromatization is anabolic a bit BUT too much is bad for the prostate...a mg of dex will reduce estrogen to healthy levels.


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