reusing vials?


New member
Buying a new mixing vial everytime can become costly.
I was just wondering if any bros out there reuse theirs.
Do you just rinse it out with water and put it in the oven?
Or do you have to rinse it out with something else?
most guys will suggest you getting a beaker (100-500ml beaker or graduaded cylinder) and use that for mixing. You can clean it out and sterilize it using rubbing alcohol and then bake. IMO, just clean it out with Rub. Alc. and make sure all the alc is out before using it. The sterilization will come from filtering and baking later on in the process...
Could you sterilize a vial by boiling it? Or does it have to be baked to be sterilized? I need to divide up my nolva bottle into two, and I have an empty vial that previously held oil that I want to use.
if its a sealed vial, toss it out and just shell out the 3 bucks and get a new one due to the rubber stopper being eaten up from pins. if its an open vial, bake it would be the best bet imo
to sterilize glassware.

rince with methanol then bake for 1 hour at 325f. place aluminum foil over the container before removing it from the oven. its sterile.

just make sure when filing that you are in a wind free, clean enviroment and you using sterile tools.