Riddle me this about Tren


New member
Although I advocate Test only, some people are deadset on stacking their first cycle. So some people say do dbol/Test. When someone says Tren?Test, others shit a brick. Why? IMO dbol is much harsher, bloating and BP are usually problems, and it makes me feel like total crap all day. Besides getting used to eod sticks, what so bad about using tren right away?
mmm....I don't know that's a good question, I guess if you start out with just one compound you can see how your body reacts.
Well i think you should do test only too, but some people insist on stacking, and dbol is always recomended. I dont see why tren is a bad choice.
I think tren is avoided as suggestions for a first cycle due to frequent injecting (if you choose to go that road). For a first cycle I doubt a newbie would want to inject themselves everyday, kinda ease into that with experience
I wouldn't be opposed to someone using test/tren for their first cycle...I don't see a problem with it...
besides the frequent injections there is the fact that tren shuts you down HARD , not a good newbie experience
DADAWG said:
besides the frequent injections there is the fact that tren shuts you down HARD , not a good newbie experience

So does deca and it's a favorite for first cycles...
Inj frequency is the only reason I wouldnt advise it. I think Tren is so overrated. Ive ran 100mg Ed for 18wks before. Harsh? No way. Test is much harsher IMO.
Although I think it is overrated a bit, Test is much less harsher on my hairline, and my mood. on my fina only cycle, I was a total dickhead, and a few strands of hair were in my hands after shampooing. I was scared to rinse, repeat!
With the extreme strength gains from fina, a possible tendon tear/rip is possible. Too much strength too soon isn't always good. All first time fina users should be cautions of this.
I think fina is fine in a first cycle but wouln't recomend it because of frequent injection. I don't know to many newbies that are prepaired for ed injections.
They cringe at it because if your a newbie they want u to get as much gains as possible from weaker compounds. then when u have reached a fair amount of gains then adding Tren will give it that extra boost and keep the gains coming.
Easto said:
What do you guys think about EOD injections with Fina?

I like ed injections because I believe it keeps more consistant levels in your system. And I'm a glutton for punishment.
I also like ed for prop. That's why prop/tren makes a good combo.
Iceburg said:
With the extreme strength gains from fina, a possible tendon tear/rip is possible. Too much strength too soon isn't always good. All first time fina users should be cautions of this.

Ive always got better strength gains from testosterone vs trenbolone.