Right nut won't drop?!?


I am looking for any advice or suggestion with my PCT from my 1st cycle. I am having trouble getting my nuts (specifically my right nut) to drop back down fully.

I'm not sure what information is needed for advice, but this was my cycle:
Primo: Week 1-7
Anavar: Week 8-12
Test E: Week 1-12

*I took 5000iu of hCG around week 5 (1000iu's E3D) to drop my balls a little.

Now, I am in week 14, and have started PCT but my right testicle is still uncomfortably up high even after about 2500iu's of hCG. This is what I've done so far for PCT:

hCG: Week 13 & 14 (1000iu's first, then 500iu E4D p/sub-q jab)
Clomid: Week 14 (50mg ED)

Should I take more hCG? Less? I have researched and there seems to be all different opinions?... I should take a larger dose to jump start the testes... I should take smaller doses to avoid gyno and to better mimic natural release...?? Please feel free to dop any ideas?
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I've had simular pains... it will drop dude lol.. unless you got bunk Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but that is unlikely
Well if youre already on PCT then you should not do more Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I know people that do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during pct also, but this would not help with recovery.

Have never had it happen to me but I would have used more Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and if possible all the way up to a week before pct. You also could have a little nolva during the kick-starting to prevent possible gyno sides.
For the future if you cycle again, use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycles, 350ius E3-4 Days.
Honestly I never knew they 'boys' went into hiding, this is the first I've heard of it. I assume this is a rare occurence?
Used to happen to me everytime, but not anymore when i do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from every 5th day 500iu.

Besides, its a special ninja trick!
don't use clomid and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) together. if you're on pct stick to the clomid and nolva.
LOL This is the kind of thing that scares me for those getting into the sport and not doing research. I knew a dude at the gym years ago that listened to the wrong people and did no research used no ancillaries and did no pct. So........what do you know he goes and uses a bunch of Tren shotgunning it for weeks on end, then wonders why one of his nuts goes hiding and he can't get it up. Just another person making the BB sport look bad.

Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle the SWALE way and always have nolva and if needed clomid for PCT.
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