Ripped Fuel


New member
Would ripped fuel help aid in lowering body fat along with diet, and cardio, or is it just a waste of money? Was thinking about taking an ephedra free supplement that would help shed about 10 lbs, any other suggestions?
Ephedra free supplement do very little for actul fat loss. Most of them just give you an extra energy boost and help you get rid of unwanted water. If i were you i would try to lower my bf through cardio, careful dieting techniques and intense weight training workouts.
i second this guy, all i use ripped feul for is an energy boost before workout and a energy boost not to fall asleep during lecture. it does shit for fat loss.


Musclemar said:
Ephedra free supplement do very little for actul fat loss. Most of them just give you an extra energy boost and help you get rid of unwanted water. If i were you i would try to lower my bf through cardio, careful dieting techniques and intense weight training workouts.
If you get your hands on the old Ripped Fuel with the ephedra in it, it's damn good. But don't waste your money on the ephedra free stuff unless you are just looking for a little energy burst. :)