RJ90210 and Dirk coming back strong!


Well-known member
Yep Yep haven't been around much as time has been very limited but had to give you a taste of what RJ has been up to the last couple months.

He came to me and said listen jay I want to do a show and of course I said its go time!!!

We are 3 weeks out from the Georgia State Show and he's been dieting for 13 weeks now.

Weight at the start: 238
Current Weight: 238

I think the pics speak for themselves but with 3 weeks to go and pulling the water off him he is going to be a freak!!!
Look at those quads. Give us a general outline of what you've done to keep him at the same weight but make such obvious changes.
LiftTillIDie said:
Look at those quads. Give us a general outline of what you've done to keep him at the same weight but make such obvious changes.

looking great RJ. the above would would be really cool, as much as you can anyway. Dirk what did you keep the sodium value at during the diet(if you can say) thanks, great job again and good luck guys
Sodium-----Have absolutely no idea. I'm sure it varied with whatever condiments RJ used. I could care less how much or little during the diet someone uses. Obviously there is advantages to using more then to little but it makes very little difference in a physique. The only time sodium has any signifigance is the last week or so and even then it comes into play if you decide to sodium deplete / load or water deplete / load.

As for the diet:

I'll see if i can post it to***ht sometime. Honestly we only made one dietary adjustment up to this point. It is basically the same thing i've been preaching. Lots of quality foods (consistently) couple refeeds, lots of low intensity cardio, and small adjustments to fat burners.

I'm out of town starting tomorrow for the next week so i'll probably let RJ answer most questions. He can post whatever he wants or feels comfortable with.
thanks guys, I will give you these points, in comparison to what you hear from most competitors, that I think made this prep a piece of cake. The first onoe being the most important.

1. I had plenty of carbs throughout, which never left me wanting food. I had a few cravings for things of course, but at times i was too full, as opposed to being starving for food.

2. i drank an assload of H2O the whole time (almost 2 gallons daily).

3. i didn't change my workouts really at all except for reps (higher). i stayed with alot of compound movements, and heavy weight, just concentrating on form. My strength really hasn't gone down at all. Only thing that has changed has been i fatigue faster.

with the exception of those times when i just said "why am i doing this shit', these things kept my muscles full and kept my mind at ease. Losing weight is one thing, losing strength along with it can fuck with your mind obviously. I had neither of these things happen, so i was good. lol

btw, for those of you that don't know, this will be my first show ever. Any questions feel free to ask.
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here is my diet to start. only things we changed was at 10 weeks out we dropped some carbs at 2 meals on my high day, 1 meal on my medium and low days. I am still eating these foods now.


Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday (Low Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 4:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 5:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter

Tuesday and Friday (med Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
Brown Rice (50g)
50g Whey Protein Isolate
3 packets Cream of Wheat
Meal 5:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter

Monday and Thursday (High Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (65 – 70g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
12 oz. Baby Red Potato
50g Whey Protein Isolate
4 packets Cream of Wheat
Meal 5:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
Brown Rice (65 – 70g)
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
12 oz. Baby Red Potato


Sunday: OFF
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Calves
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Back
Friday: Deltoids, Triceps, Calves
Saturday: OFF
Looking awesome man. It's wicked to see such a difference with no weight loss...

Dirk, hit me up with an email when you get a chance.
honestly, i just looked and can't believe I don't have one. Give me a few and will take one.
right pumped said:
rj, if you get a chance you wanna post a relaxed pose?

here you go bro. after one day of cutting carbs, so I'm a bit flat, but its a relaxed pose nonetheless.
Your back is fucking incredible...and the sweep of your quads rocks...can't imagine how ripped you'll be in three weeks...awesome work...