RJ90210 and Dirk coming back strong!

Brat said:
Your back is fucking incredible...and the sweep of your quads rocks...can't imagine how ripped you'll be in three weeks...awesome work...

thanks. here's another back shot from a couple weeks ago.
RJH90210 said:
thanks guys, I will give you these points, in comparison to what you hear from most competitors, that I think made this prep a piece of cake. The first onoe being the most important.

1. I had plenty of carbs throughout, which never left me wanting food. I had a few cravings for things of course, but at times i was too full, as opposed to being starving for food.

2. i drank an assload of H2O the whole time (almost 2 gallons daily).

3. i didn't change my workouts really at all except for reps (higher). i stayed with alot of compound movements, and heavy weight, just concentrating on form. My strength really hasn't gone down at all. Only thing that has changed has been i fatigue faster.

with the exception of those times when i just said "why am i doing this shit', these things kept my muscles full and kept my mind at ease. Losing weight is one thing, losing strength along with it can fuck with your mind obviously. I had neither of these things happen, so i was good. lol

btw, for those of you that don't know, this will be my first show ever. Any questions feel free to ask.

First off.....fantastic job.

I am doing my first show ever in 15 weeks. At 12 weeks my trainers are pulling out all carbs except for veggies and they go low sodium from week 20. No refeeds. Needless to say I am extremely skeptical. I am actually ahead in the weight loss of where I should be! By 3 pounds!

So guaranteed I will be picking your brains for your experiences because we are both new at this contest thing! I do much better with a few more carbs and I still lose! But they say it makes a difference how I look on stage!

Good luck in your contest! You'll be hearing more from me!
RJH90210 said:
here is my diet to start. only things we changed was at 10 weeks out we dropped some carbs at 2 meals on my high day, 1 meal on my medium and low days. I am still eating these foods now.


Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday (Low Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 4:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 5:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter

Tuesday and Friday (med Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (50g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
Brown Rice (50g)
50g Whey Protein Isolate
3 packets Cream of Wheat
Meal 5:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
8 oz. Baby Red Potato
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter

Monday and Thursday (High Carb)
Meal 1:
12 Egg Whites + 1 yolk
1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal
Meal 2:
8 oz. Chicken Breast
Brown Rice (65 – 70g)
Meal 3:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
12 oz. Baby Red Potato
50g Whey Protein Isolate
4 packets Cream of Wheat
Meal 5:
8 oz. Ground Turkey (99% Fat Free)
Brown Rice (65 – 70g)
Meal 6:
8 oz. Lean Hamburger (96%)
12 oz. Baby Red Potato


Sunday: OFF
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest, Biceps, Calves
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Back
Friday: Deltoids, Triceps, Calves
Saturday: OFF

This is a sweet diet. I'm not allowed hamburger, any fats. ground turkey, or protein powder or egg yolks. I look flat as shit....but I AM 15 weeks out so I'm not going to worry yet!
Miss Muscle said:
First off.....fantastic job.

I am doing my first show ever in 15 weeks. At 12 weeks my trainers are pulling out all carbs except for veggies and they go low sodium from week 20. No refeeds. Needless to say I am extremely skeptical. I am actually ahead in the weight loss of where I should be! By 3 pounds!

So guaranteed I will be picking your brains for your experiences because we are both new at this contest thing! I do much better with a few more carbs and I still lose! But they say it makes a difference how I look on stage!

Good luck in your contest! You'll be hearing more from me!

well, the one thing i told myself when I started this prep was I was going to do whatever Dirk said, no matter if it sounded OFF to me or not (which nothing did anyway). My biggest concern was being hu***y all the time. My body loves carbs, so his diet technique was perfect for me. The other I did and still do is tell him how my body reacts to things in the offseason (water intake, carbs, bloat, etc.), so maybe try that with your prep person.

I will say this though, and I learned this during my prep, most trainers and competitors don't give their body's metabolism enough credit and starve themselves, which usually drops alot of muscle. As you can see, i actually gianed quite a bit of muscle on this prep.

but feel free to ask any questions you have. and good luck.
right pumped said:
Rj, no cheat days/meals brotha? If yes, how far away form show do you delete these?

actually just had my last 2 cheat days last week. we cut my carbs in half this week to see what my body does for the final week plan, so I'm not sure if any sort of re-feed will be coming or not.

I had a couple re-feeds here and there and one cheat half-day, but not too much.
RJH90210 said:
I will say this though, and I learned this during my prep, most trainers and competitors don't give their body's metabolism enough credit and starve themselves, which usually drops alot of muscle. As you can see, i actually gianed quite a bit of muscle on this prep.


Wise words here.
outlawtas2 said:

MM, you should work with Dirk.

I can honestly say I may consider it. I will remain with these coaches to see how my body responds but I am going into my competition with not alot of muscle period. I need to retain as much as possible.

I had one girl tell me they take the same approach with everybody so I guess I'll see. They seem smarter than that....I'll have to give it time.
Miss Muscle said:
I can honestly say I may consider it. I will remain with these coaches to see how my body responds but I am going into my competition with not alot of muscle period. I need to retain as much as possible.

I had one girl tell me they take the same approach with everybody so I guess I'll see. They seem smarter than that....I'll have to give it time.

like I said, nothing against your coaches. And a womans prep is different as you have to take into account all the other bulshit that you gals have to put up with (hormonal changes, blaoting, etc.). But if ayou are trying to retain muscle, man or woman, i would think that would be the most important priority.

But I will say that if I ever compete again, i would never even think of using anyone else. I am a firm believer in once you find out what works for your body, cause we're all different, you stick to it.
Double3 said:
What is the breakdown for pro, carb, fat on that diet?

I'm so dense to this shit bro. Sorry, i have no idea. Dirk can prolly answer that when he gets back.
Wait a minute .... I thought to drop weight and get lean, you only needed to use winny?

Good job, doug. Oh, I mean RJH.

I'm considering cleaning up my diet, although the lack of beer may be an issue.
So can I do this with Dirk's fried rice (using white rice)? Because I pretty much despise brown rice, which the stark exception of PF Chang's/Pei Wei brown rice (wish I knew where/how to get that stuff). But if it makes a significant difference, then I'll use brown rice, anyway.
mranak said:
Wait a minute .... I thought to drop weight and get lean, you only needed to use winny?

Good job, doug. Oh, I mean RJH.

I'm considering cleaning up my diet, although the lack of beer may be an issue.

you got it all backwards again mranak...

Winny makes you cut!! :insane2:
mranak said:
So can I do this with Dirk's fried rice (using white rice)? Because I pretty much despise brown rice, which the stark exception of PF Chang's/Pei Wei brown rice (wish I knew where/how to get that stuff). But if it makes a significant difference, then I'll use brown rice, anyway.
So yesterday I made some brown rice. Looks like maybe I wasn't previously giving it enough water or cooking it long enough. And I also added this powdered chicken bouillon stuff.

Not bad. I even ate it cold today.
RJH90210 said:
Brown Rice (50g)
Is this right?

50g = .11 pounds

I'm eating one of those ready-to-serve Zatarian rice things right now, and the weight (mostly rice) is 184g.

Maybe the 50g is the dry weight? I guess that would make more sense.
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mranak said:
Is this right?

50g = .11 pounds

I'm eating one of those ready-to-serve Zatarian rice things right now, and the weight (mostly rice) is 184g.

Maybe the 50g is the dry weight? I guess that would make more sense.
