3 weeks now into my cycle


New member
It has been 3 weeks now i am taking test ena 500 mg a week 250 Monday 250 thursday . training 4 times a weeek 2 days upper body 2 days lower body . also been eating clean and dieting 2000-2500 calories a day before starting my cycle i liaten all of you and dropped my bf my diet is mainly protein modorate carb and fat mainly salads as veggies. My aim is to cut and add muscle my bf dropped from 21 to 14 percent i am also taking proviron 50 mg a day plus no gyno no anger.. I been taking also cycle protectiom liver care zinco cinko magnesium b2 b6 b12 also prostate care I feel happy and healthy energetic .. Thank you all of you who have helped me to do my cycle safely .
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