RJ90210 and Dirk coming back strong!

mranak said:
Is this right?

50g = .11 pounds

I'm eating one of those ready-to-serve Zatarian rice things right now, and the weight (mostly rice) is 184g.

Maybe the 50g is the dry weight? I guess that would make more sense.

the (50g) is amount of carbs, no the weight of the food.
Sorry, that was confusing to me at first as well.
right pumped said:
250mL = volume

8 OZ = weight

There is something called Fluid Ounces, which I find very confusing, but I doubt that's what we're talking about here.
I hate using the term stupid but low sodium from basically day 1 is along those lines. Sodium plays to big of a role in muscle contraction and glycogen storage to limit it. In fact honestly it is counter productive and very old school. I think almost everyone knows i hate low carb diets but i'm not about to say they don't work. Stick it out and make your decisions after the show. Nothing upets me more then people second guessing what i'm saying.

Miss Muscle said:
First off.....fantastic job.

I am doing my first show ever in 15 weeks. At 12 weeks my trainers are pulling out all carbs except for veggies and they go low sodium from week 20. No refeeds. Needless to say I am extremely skeptical. I am actually ahead in the weight loss of where I should be! By 3 pounds!

So guaranteed I will be picking your brains for your experiences because we are both new at this contest thing! I do much better with a few more carbs and I still lose! But they say it makes a difference how I look on stage!

Good luck in your contest! You'll be hearing more from me!
Miss Muscle said:
This is a sweet diet. I'm not allowed hamburger, any fats. ground turkey, or protein powder or egg yolks. I look flat as shit....but I AM 15 weeks out so I'm not going to worry yet!

okay just say this - Your on a low carb / no fat diet?? There is a reason for you being flat.
mranak said:
So can I do this with Dirk's fried rice (using white rice)? Because I pretty much despise brown rice, which the stark exception of PF Chang's/Pei Wei brown rice (wish I knew where/how to get that stuff). But if it makes a significant difference, then I'll use brown rice, anyway.

white rice works just as well, i believe i gave him the choice of whatever he prefered to eat.
DirkMoneyshot said:
I hate using the term stupid but low sodium from basically day 1 is along those lines. Sodium plays to big of a role in muscle contraction and glycogen storage to limit it. In fact honestly it is counter productive and very old school. I think almost everyone knows i hate low carb diets but i'm not about to say they don't work. Stick it out and make your decisions after the show. Nothing upets me more then people second guessing what i'm saying.

I absolutely will stick it out. I did pay them after all. I believe your first comp and coaches are a learning experience! Mine are old-school obviously. I would do my own diet but I'm just too damn inexperienced to get through the last month.

The posing, suit selection, tanning they are great with!

I question almost everything about my diet and when I take it to them they are very open and answer all my questions but I definately can not agree with all of their answers. They believe the body needs no fats. Not even essential fats. They believe slow steady cardio often is the only way reasonable to lose fat while maintaining muscle. Shit like this is not up to date and frustrating.

Yes....I do look flat in my opinion. I have a sneaky suspicion that most coaches would say don't even go onto the stage until I've built up more muscle period.

But to look on the bright side getting through your first diet and comp is probably one of the most challenging things a person can do. If I can get through this comp with bad advice, not nearly enough muscle and get up on that stage looking Meh at most, then I can do anything. My next competition (yes......I am doing it again even if I come in dead last and the audience is throwing rotten tomatoes at me) I can only go up. I will perservere and succeed.

Nothing brings me down. I will learn from my mistakes for next time and be even better.
You'll be fine and i'm sure you'll have plenty of muscle from what i've seen. It is a learning experience and you will only improve with time.
DirkMoneyshot said:
white rice works just as well, i believe i gave him the choice of whatever he prefered to eat.

honestly i don't remember if you did or not. And I love white rice, but its too heavy on my stomach, so I prolly wouldn't have chosen it anyway. i eat it like crazy in the offseason though!! yummy!!
Basmati rice is yummy lol.

RJ your transfermation is great --your weight stayed exactly the same and you added muscle and lost fat ---a BB'er cant ask for anything more ---looking awsome !!

RJH90210 said:
honestly i don't remember if you did or not. And I love white rice, but its too heavy on my stomach, so I prolly wouldn't have chosen it anyway. i eat it like crazy in the offseason though!! yummy!!
thanks brother, yeah, i am extremely happy. interested to see what my offseason weight jumps to with all this new muscle. :D
damn, your back and quads are nuts, great job
just outta curiousity, you using any gh for this one? I am this time around, my first shot with it, curious if you are. Pm me if you dont wanna post it
Interesting that how relativelly high/medium carb diets works nice to contest preparation. Good work RJ