Roids Becoming Legal?

Legality doesn't change access. If a 12 yr old with an allowance wants gear, guess what??? There is an Internet full of it, when was the last time a supplier verified you age to make a purchase.

Gear is way to easy to come by these days because of the net, you are only fooling your self if you think legalizing would open it up to young kids. I bet 1/5 of the members here are under 18 and I know for a fact that a ton of Highschool athletes are on it.

Legalizing doesnt mean an infant can purchase, I'm sure their would be age restrictions, but how hard was it for you to get tobacco or alcohol or recs as a kid??!

Legalize no, decriminalize yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agrred those that are going to use and/or abuse will learn how to circumvent or avoid the system altogether. Look at the length that some of us have gone to aquire what ever it may be. .Look at the young troop posting on a forum probably from Afghanistan where majority of internet trafic is being watched by some one is looking to get gear out there. There is something to be said for human want. When we want something we will get it legal or not.
I agree with the fact that it should be decriminalized, if properly administered they are not harmful! Govt just wants us all living in fear. In Canada they are schedule 4 which means personal possession is not prosecuted, same for the UK I believe, the US should follow suite.
I vote to make it totally legal just like in the past. Prior to making anabolic substances a scheduled class 3 substance in the USA around the 90's there were no problems. Guys took testosterone and variants of it since the 50's with no problems. No pharmacies or banks were being robbed etc. Of course even today you don't read of someone robbing a bank to go buy D-bol's.

If anything responsible usage can enhance your life not destroy it. As far as kids getting into it, they can do so now no matter if it is illegal or not. Making it illegal only makes it a criminal activity and all the "stuff" that goes with that sort of activity. (i.e. drug dealers, guns, smuggling, under ground labs, etc)

Sadly it has been 'demonized' by the media and government so much that making it legal or even De-criminalizing will never happen in our lifetime. :-(