rookie's pic.


New member
I am 21 years old and ran track through highschool so I have always been kinda small.during this past summer i went on a protein and creatine diet. Eat very well and got a few gains..tell me what youll think( be honest). Im 5'10" about 160 with 8.7% bf.
these pictures show a 4 week progression. i am currently stuck about the same as the picture and thinking of taking dbol....feal free to express any opinions.
I can notice some progress but no way you should take steroids yet. You can have pretty good gains natural.
If you are not gaining weight, probably you have to check your diet.
i have basically stayed with those results since august..not gaining much weight, and i am doing very good with my diet. thanks for the reply !
Tafman said:
you're not gaining weight, therefore you are NOT doing very good with your diet.

I agree. If you are not gaining weight you should check your diet. Steroids are not going to fix that.
i appreciate the input going to recheck my diet and make some changes. I have been working out for a good 2 years but i definately noticed a big change in the weeks with creatine and protein. but i am still thinking of trying a dbol cycle..let me know your opinion/concern?? thanks for the reply !
luquillo78 said:
I agree. If you are not gaining weight you should check your diet. Steroids are not going to fix that.

:dance2: I've made good progress consider your natural and haven't juiced. IMO just eat A LOT and keep working out. remember u always gain the most weight at the beggining so do get fustrated. keep it up and good luck bro :beertoast
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zack3024 said:
i was eating over 300 grams. But i have scaled back and now im eating in the 210-260 range.

2 grams of protein per bodyweight is the usual rule of thumb:

160 X 2

Other than protein what other supplements are you currently taking?

Creatine and....
well there is no doubt you're getting enough protein... i'm guessing you're lacking on the carbs... throw in some oatmeal into your shakes, or add whole grain pasta into 2 or more of your meals... make sure you're getting an extra 500 calories a day... you'll see gains. and they'll be healthy gains too if it's whole grain stuff...
Yeah dude if your not gettin gains it's gotta be your training, diet or rest time thats wrong.

Post that and we can help ya :)

how stupid can you be... 1st If you do it do it right... Dboll only is BAD!!!
2nd it is way out of your leaque, you arent ready for steriods by far... Go and buy yourself some good food from the money you want to spend on Dboll. Stupid ecto.!
Samot said:
how stupid can you be... 1st If you do it do it right... Dboll only is BAD!!!
2nd it is way out of your leaque, you arent ready for steriods by far... Go and buy yourself some good food from the money you want to spend on Dboll. Stupid ecto.!

tell me your kidding with this right? The only thing stupid about it is your fucking dumb remarks, you fucking low life degenerate fuck you! Unfucking real!!!

BTW, keep working at it bro-looking good!