ROOOOOUND TWO, FIGHT - Gyno Surgery Recovery/Cruise into 25 Week Blast!


New member
Previous Log:

Results: Got to 200lb fairly lean. At 3rd week of cruising currently, and got gyno surgery done 4 days ago. Shit's looking GREAT and I'm very happy that I went through with it finally but I can't train for the next week at least so I'm definitely feeling flat and flabby and sad and tiny :( Won't know my weight til I hit the gym again and check the scale.

Decided I'd start a new log a little before the cycle and document gyno surgery recovery for all those who are considering it. Here's the plan for now:

Weeks -2 to 0 (3 weeks):
Finish recovery (compression vest, light training at the most, cruising at 250mg Test P weekly)
Diet - Maintain weight to the best possibly capacity

Weeks 1 to 15 (15 weeks):
Test E - 500mg EW - 250mg Mon/Thurs
Equipoise - 600mg EW - 300mg Mon/Thurs
Clen on hand - Might do a mini 2-3 week cut in there if I feel like a slob
Diet - Eat huuuuuge

Weeks 16-17 (2 weeks):
Test E - 250mg EW
Diet - Maintain

Weeks 18-25 (8 weeks):
Tren A - 700mg EW - 100mg ED
Test E - 250mg EW - 125mg Mon/Thurs
Clen - 2 weeks on/2 weeks off throughout
Diet - Get lean

Training will be the same as last time:

Today's entry:
Took off the bandages and there we have it. Normal nipples. Left looks perfect, right looks a little bruised up and stretched but the doc says it'll look normal over the next few months. Cost me 3k but I got a pretty sweet deal on financing so I'm pretty glad I went through with it. For anyone considering the surgery, here's the breakdown of the what what:

- Costed 80$
- Quick examination and discussion about surgery
- Scheduled surgery for the next week

Surgery Day
- Light breakfast
- Got to the clinic and drugged up
- Strapped to an operating tables with arms pinned down
- Injected with numbing agent into the fucking tit (SON OF A WHORE)
- Tugged and cut away at the glands for 45 min.
- Shit's done, go home (got some antibiotics and painkillers, never used painkillers)

First 4 Days
- Not too much pain overall after the first day
- Limited mobility
- Definitely can't train
- 4 days in, feeling I could probably hit arms and legs without too much difficulty, possibly even back

That's it for now folks. Hope you're all having a good weekend.
Keeping this post here for stats and PR updates!

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 194lb (Jan 27) --> 207lb (March 14) --> ??? (April 30, end of bulk)

Best Lifts From This Log:
Incline Bench: 225x16
DB Bench: _____
Smith Press: 225x10, did 245 the next set, got around 4-6 I think
DB Press: _____
Rack Pulls: _____
Pull-ups: 22 at 207lb BW
Squats: _____
Last edited:
Local anaesthetic. Few injections in each nipple and I was good to go (numbing agents, effective but definitely not painless). Couldn't feel anything for the rest of the surgery.

I know a local bodybuilder in the Montreal area who recommended me to a surgeon. The doctor has 25 years of experience and I was a minor case (puffy nipples really the main issue). Look for someone in your area who has gone through the same procedure; definitely increases your confidence level in the surgeon.

Anyway, decided to train today (5 days after surgery)

Hit around 10 superset for biceps and 6 sets for triceps (gonna do more triceps tomorrow or something, can't really do chest or back for another week at least so why not). Weighed in at 197lb so not too shabby for feeling like absolute shit. I think I'll bounce back within the week.

Cheers and have a good Wednesday :)
ohh i see, I've asked a few lads around but no one has really gone through with the surgery, thanks mate!
So I trained back yesterday, and arms again today.

Machine rows - 9 sets
Barbell rows - 6 sets
Cable rows - 3 sets

Bi's 15 sets
Tri's 15 sets

Feeling a hella lot better and mobile; surgery is looking better too. Still have some serious dried blood under the skin but that'll be absorbed soon. Have a consultation with the doctor again this Tuesday just as a follow-up. I'll probably hop on cycle in 1-2 weeks tops.

As for anyone trying to figure out training after surgery, go ahead if you feel like it. But for god sakes go slow and listen to your body.
Very interested in how this plays out for you - keep us updated :)

Appreciate the support man!

So it's been 9 days since operation day. Both nipples are healing up nicely and look normal in a t-shirt. I wear an under armour shirt on and off for compression, but I really don't think it's necessary at this point anymore. The right one still has a lot of blood under the skin that needs to be absorbed, but I think they'll both look great in a month or so. I'm expecting another 3 months total for the final result, then I'll post before/after pics for comparison.

Anyway, hit back again today with a little bit of shoulders (just a lot of lateral raises as supersets to my back exercises).

Weigh In: 197lb
5 sets of machine rows
4 sets of low machine rows
4 sets of neutral grip cable rows
4 sets of barbell rows

Supersetting with raises reallllllly pumped me the fuck up. Swolest I've felt since being on anadrol last cycle. Core feels pretty thick right now, but it's to be expected while bulking up. I can still see my abs flexed in the morning so I'm not too worried. I'll worry about cutting at around 215-220lb.

On a side note, I fuck like a MONSTER at 350mg of test a week. Absolute monster. Dick like cement. I bumped up from 250 to 350 just for this week to help speed up recovery and I honestly feel it's helped a LOT. Just a consideration for any blast/cruisers who are attempting the operation soon.

Enough talk, got a hot date tonight. Hope she doesn't touch my nipples. Whatever yolo. Have a good Friday folks.
I have a hot date too, with my girlfriend...I hope. Need to pick up flowers & maybe shave after work...she found out about a lunch date with a friend who is a girl that isn't my girlfriend yesterday. Yolo too, I guess? Good luck to us both lol. Cy@ monday.
I have a hot date too, with my girlfriend...I hope. Need to pick up flowers & maybe shave after work...she found out about a lunch date with a friend who is a girl that isn't my girlfriend yesterday. Yolo too, I guess? Good luck to us both lol. Cy@ monday.

Oof... I have a friend in the same boat. Meanwhile, I'm single as of two weeks ago. HELLO LADIES

Decided to train today after all... another arms workout. I'm really missing shoulders and chest but they seem to be about the same size since the operation so no worries.

Bodyweight: 199lb
1. Straight Curls superset Hammer Curls - 6 sets
2. Preacher Curls superset Rope Pushdowns - 6 sets
3. DB Extensions - 4 sets

I've noticed that the high frequency/high volume arms/back on 350mg test really puts some extra size on fast. It's actually great because my weaknesses are thickness (ie: do rows) and arms (ie: do arms day), whereas I'm very strong in shoulders and back width, and chest isn't lagging either (although upper chest could use some work).

Just a few thoughts... hit lagging bodyparts more often during a cruise to bring them up while off-cycle, then blow up all around on cycle.

Cheers folks.
Ugh retards... I went to train at the gym today (light shoulders) and I saw a buddy of mine there. He grabbed my hand and went in for a big ass bro hug and hit my chest. Got a lot of swelling in my right chest now... I'm icing it and I probably will have to see the doc tomo or the day after if it's a hematoma.

I hate people sometimes.
Oof... I have a friend in the same boat. Meanwhile, I'm single as of two weeks ago. HELLO LADIES

Decided to train today after all... another arms workout. I'm really missing shoulders and chest but they seem to be about the same size since the operation so no worries.

I have a feeling it would take months for your shoulders/chest to atrophy appreciably on 350mg/wk test - and you'd have to be completely skipping the gym. Even going and hitting arms / back etc your chest gets involved to some extent, enough to maintain 98% would be my guess. So you're golden IMO.

Girlfriend was happy with the flowers, dinner and movie - "That Awkward Moment" has zero explosions but ends up being a pretty good overall date movie. Would not recommend seeing it with bros though.
I have a feeling it would take months for your shoulders/chest to atrophy appreciably on 350mg/wk test - and you'd have to be completely skipping the gym. Even going and hitting arms / back etc your chest gets involved to some extent, enough to maintain 98% would be my guess. So you're golden IMO.

Girlfriend was happy with the flowers, dinner and movie - "That Awkward Moment" has zero explosions but ends up being a pretty good overall date movie. Would not recommend seeing it with bros though.

Yeah nothing feels smaller really, just feeling more flabby since I'm not hitting any big compound movements and I'm off tren and I'm not eating very super and I'm lazy :/ Definitely gonna run a mini-cut weeks 1-2 when I get back on cycle with some clen.

Anywho, saw the doctor again today (it's 11 days since surgery). He confirmed it's a hematoma... said it'll go away on it's own in a few weeks OR I can come back next week and he'll suck it out if it's liquified. Obvious choice is to SUCK THAT BITCH OUT I don't want none of this lumpy pec business.

Trained biceps today. Around 10 supersets going for a massive pump. Had to take it a little slow though since I didn't wanna push more blood into the hematoma.

Should be able to hit back and triceps in a few days again. I'll probably train legs tomorrow and take a rest day on Thursday.

On a side note, I trimmed my chest hair today (holy fucking forest) and saw some beautiful pecs (well... one beautiful pec and one swollen sumbish). Operation is a tremendous success. Anyone living in the MTL area wanting to do this, PM me and I'll refer you my doctor.
Sorry haven't updated in a while! Weight's hovering around 195lb, and the hematoma is still there but it's currently painless and feeling a little more squishy (guess it's on its way to being liquified).

I'm rotating BACK/ARMS/LEGS for the moment, and I'm gonna try some DELTS today too since the hematoma has stopped hurting for the past few days and my flexibility is back.

Got all the gear for my next cycle lined up... 4 vials of Test E 250mg/mL, 6 vials of EQ 200mg/mL, 6 vials of Tren A 100mg/mL, Arimidex 100x1mg, and I'm in talks with my source to get some caber or prami. Expensive as FAWK since I bought locally this time, but I trust the source a lot better than last time. Will be hitting the first injection within the next 2 weeks.
ALRIGHT GAME TIME! Pinned yesterday, 250mg Test E, 300mg EQ. Using a new UGL but from a pretty reputable source so I'm anxious to see what it's like. I've been through the hoops before, so I'll know by week 3-4 if the gear is good quality or not.

Hit BACK yesterday!
1. Plate Loaded Low Rows - 5 sets, 4 plates per side, about 10-15 reps each set with short rest
2. Barbell Rows SS Underhand BB Rows - 10 sets, 10 and 10, 1 plate on the bar

Quick workout, got a hell of a pump. My goals this cycle are to add some thickness from the side (ie: more middle back, more chest, more rear/front delts) and build up the arms. I look wide as hell (delt width and lats are boss as fuck), but I feel my thickness is lacking. I'm planning on hitting:

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Horizontal Back/Weak Delt Head
Day 3: Legs/Arms
Day 4: Delts, Upper Chest
Day 5: Vertical Back
Day 6: Legs/Arms
Day 7: Horizontal Back/Weak Delt Head
Rest and Repeat

As for my nip nips, I saw the doctor yesterday and he said the hematoma is healing on its own. I've noticed it's gotten considerably smaller over the past week as well. Should be able to start hitting chest again very soon. Did a delts workout a few days ago too and didn't have any issues (was repping 2 plates on smith press without too much of a problem surprisingly, time to work back up to 2.5).

Alright lovers, two days to the weekend stay strong and stay sexy!
Sup crew! About 1 week into cycle right now; not too much to say with regards to how I'm feeling. Should be more to say in another 2 weeks or so. Anyway, trained CHEST today.

Weight: 195lb
1. Incline Plate Press - 1Px15, 2Px15, 3Px10,4,3 rest paused, 2Px3x12
2. Pec Flyes - 4 sets
3. Wide Plate Press - 5 sets, last set with a triple drop set (3P, 2P, 1P)
Kept it simple and easy; still worrying about the hematoma. It's ugly. I hate it. Nobody else sees it but I do. FUCKING GO AWAY ALREADY.

Anyway, happy Monday folks.
Usual deal. Trained BACK last night and weighed in at 195lb again.

2. BB ROWS - 8x12 with 185
Finished with some light biceps then got a few meals in. Been lazy on meal prep the past few days, just bored of waiting for the long esters to kick in :P
This has been great to follow, man.

Do you mind me asking what your financing option was like? No insurance covered anything I'm guessing; so you have to pay the whole 3K over the course of time correct?