New member
This has been great to follow, man.
Do you mind me asking what your financing option was like? No insurance covered anything I'm guessing; so you have to pay the whole 3K over the course of time correct?
Glad to help. I paid from a line of credit (bank loan with realllllly low interest). My doctor suggested Medicard for financing, but their interest rates were higher than the LOC, so I decided against it.
February 21, 2014
Weight: 199lb - What. OK. Fine.
Decided to add dbol in for 2-3 weeks at a really low dose just to get a kick before the enanthate/eq kick in. Taking 20mg daily. I've taken as high as 40mg, but back then I was pretty dumb and ate just about anything. Anyway, I blew up from 165 to a fat and watery 185lb. As soon as I dropped the dbol, I dropped like 15lb back to 170. Sodium's a helluva drug. Don't even ask why I was taking gear at 165, I was an idiot who didn't know how to eat.
Anyway, keeping the diet fairly clean still and watching sodium so I don't make the same mistake as last time. Plus, I've heard low dose is great for keeping away bloat, but still making the rapid strength/size gains.
Trained BACK again yesterday, and ARMS today. Will be training LEGS later tonight. Here's what arms looked like:
1. Superset: BB Curls and Hammer Curls - 4 sets
2. EZ Bar Curls - 4 sets
3. Machine Preacher Curls - 5 sets
4. Overhead Tricep Extensions - 4 sets
5. Rope Pushdowns - Around 10 sets with dropsets
Pump was retarded. My arms were literally ripping the sleeves of an XL jacket.
Tomorrow will be a DELTS day.
Have a good one folks.