ROOOOOUND TWO, FIGHT - Gyno Surgery Recovery/Cruise into 25 Week Blast!

This has been great to follow, man.

Do you mind me asking what your financing option was like? No insurance covered anything I'm guessing; so you have to pay the whole 3K over the course of time correct?

Glad to help. I paid from a line of credit (bank loan with realllllly low interest). My doctor suggested Medicard for financing, but their interest rates were higher than the LOC, so I decided against it.

February 21, 2014
Weight: 199lb - What. OK. Fine.

Decided to add dbol in for 2-3 weeks at a really low dose just to get a kick before the enanthate/eq kick in. Taking 20mg daily. I've taken as high as 40mg, but back then I was pretty dumb and ate just about anything. Anyway, I blew up from 165 to a fat and watery 185lb. As soon as I dropped the dbol, I dropped like 15lb back to 170. Sodium's a helluva drug. Don't even ask why I was taking gear at 165, I was an idiot who didn't know how to eat.

Anyway, keeping the diet fairly clean still and watching sodium so I don't make the same mistake as last time. Plus, I've heard low dose is great for keeping away bloat, but still making the rapid strength/size gains.

Trained BACK again yesterday, and ARMS today. Will be training LEGS later tonight. Here's what arms looked like:

1. Superset: BB Curls and Hammer Curls - 4 sets
2. EZ Bar Curls - 4 sets
3. Machine Preacher Curls - 5 sets
4. Overhead Tricep Extensions - 4 sets
5. Rope Pushdowns - Around 10 sets with dropsets

Pump was retarded. My arms were literally ripping the sleeves of an XL jacket.

Tomorrow will be a DELTS day.

Have a good one folks.
February 24, 2014
Weight: 201lb
Juice: 500mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 0.5mg Arimi EOD, 20mg DBOL ED

Feeling thick, solid, tight. Trained CHEST yesterday and FINALLY nutted up and tried some real benching. Two plates on incline still felt fairly easy despite crushing my chest with incline hammer presses first.

1. Incline Hammerstrength Press - 2Px10, 3Px10, 3.25Px8, 3Px10, 2P x 3 sets with 1.5 reps
2. Incline Barbell - 185x10, 225x10, 10, 1P x 2 sets with 1.5 reps
3. DB Flyes - 50s x 4 sets
4. Cable Flyes - 8 sets
5. Rope Pushdowns - 8 sets

Pretty good amount of volume.. I'd like to be doing more heavy compounds. Think I'll add some flat benching in there next workout. Today, I'll be hitting BACK again (focus of this cycle).
February, 26, 2014
Weight: 201lb
Juice: 500mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 20mg D-Bol daily, 0.5mg Arimi EOD

Feeling pretty good right now. I'm feeling stronger with the dbol, and slightly more full as well, but I'm not getting the usual chipmunk face that I get from using a higher dose. Getting a little more acne on my shoulders and my back is ALWAYS itchy so guess that the long esters are starting to kick in as well :P I dropped test prop last week.

Trained ARMS yesterday, and LEGS the day before. Arms was pretty straight forward, lots of pump sets trying to get the biggest pump possible. Started off heavy with some barbell curls superset with DB hammer curls, then some close grip bench working up to 275lb for a set of 8. I've always been a lot weaker on CG than regular bench, so I'm guessing I could push around 315 for a set of 3-5 with a regular grip, maybe more on a decent bench on which my feet can actually REACH THE FUCKING GROUND. I hate my gym sometimes.

Legs was straightforward, GVT 10x10 squats. Painful.

Got a midterm at school today for a class I've been skipping all semester, so I gotta get on that :( But I'll be hitting delts later tonight.
March 3, 2014
Weight: 203lb
Juice: 40mg Dbol ED (upped from 20mg as of today), 500mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 0.5mg Arimi EOD

So... This dbol is pretty good. Took 20mg ED for a week and gained a few pounds, not a lot of water retention, and feel strong as a BULL. Gonna up to 40mg ED for another 3-4 weeks and really milk the gains. Trained CHEST two days ago, and ARMS yesterday. Here's the highlights:

1. Incline Plate Loaded - 3Px10, 3.5Px10, 3Px10, 2P for 3 sets of 1.5 rep sets
2. Incline Bench - 225x12, 12, 275x6, 185 for a few sets of 1.5 rep sets
3. Flat Bench - 225 x 2 sets of max reps, think I got 10-12 each set at this point. Pretty burnt.
4. Cable Crossovers - 8 sets, maximum pump

Bla bla bla, lots of supersets and dropsets going for a really big pump. Started off with heavy CG bench and did 225x4x10, then 275x5. Rest was just pump sets.

Feeling realllllly full and eating better than last week. I'm up 8lb since starting the cycle 3 weeks ago, and I'll be edging closer to my goal of 220lb week by week. At the same time, I want to keep body fat from rising too high, so I'm eating clean-ish and avoiding sodium to avoid the dblob mode.

As for strength goals, with regards to arms and chest, I'd like to be hitting 275x10 and 315x5 on incline bench (fresh). Arms I don't go heavy since it wrecks my tendons, but I'd like to be hitting 315 on the CG bench as well for 5-10 reps.
Great log bro, very nice progression from surgery to this point.

Did they completely remove the glands or just what was needed?
Great log bro, very nice progression from surgery to this point.

Did they completely remove the glands or just what was needed?

Just what was needed, I'm guessing there's around 5% left. Plus a hematoma still whittling away. Might see the doctor again soon about it if I feel it isn't going down, but it's pretty much no longer visible.. I just feel the lump still there.

Routine got a little retarded over the past few days... Been ridiculously busy at work at exhausted after 10 hour days.

1. Smith Press - 225x4x10, 135x5 x 1.5 rep sets
2. Assortment of raises - Can't even remember, just a fuckload

1. Incline Bench Press - 225x15, 12, 10, 10, 10
2. Bunch of machines, 1.5 reps usually to really pump the chest
3. Cable crossovers - probably 8 sets

Today I'm going to do arms, then tomorrow I'll hop back on the regular routine (Chest/Back/LegsOrArms/Shoulders/Back/LegsOrArms), starting with back.
March 8, 2014
Weight: 205lb
Dosage: 40mg Dbol ED, 750mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 0.5mg Arimi EOD

Bumped up test another 250mg weekly just for kicks. As long as I have the money, why not?

My hematoma is liquifying pretty well now. It's gotten smaller and it's really liquidy in there. It cut open a little this morning and a fuck ton of orange-red fluid leaked out. Gorgeous. Just a reminder for those getting the surgery, BE CAREFUL AROUND FUCKTARDS POST SURGERY. Hematomas SUCKKKKKK. Anyway, it should keep liquifying/draining over the next few weeks before it's all gone. If it's not improving, I'll see the doctor.

Trained BACK yesterday, and ARMS the day before.

1. Superset: Pull-ups and wide neutral grip pulldowns - 5 sets (hit 20 reps on the first set of pull-ups so I've maintained strength to bodyweight ratio pretty well)
2. Neutral Grip Pulldowns - 5 sets
3. Unilateral Pulldowns - 3 sets
4. Plate Loaded Rows - 4 sets
5. Neutral Grip Cable Rows - 3 sets
6. Barbell Rows - Light, 2 sets
Great workout. Trained solo so I could really hammer out the volume.

Just a lot of volume with moderately light weights. I've noticed that doing a lot of overhead tricep stuff really makes my tri's sore the next day. I've been reading up a lot more about it and apparently it's because it hits the long head better. I'll be doing a lot more overhead tricep stuff to bring up my arms this cycle.

Anyway, I'll be hitting LEGS today at some point. Meanwhile, I gotta catch up on school and take care of outstanding stuff for work. Might grab a drink later tonight, but I won't destroy my liver.

Have a good weekend folks.
March 12, 2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, Arimi 0.5mg EOD (dropped dbol)
Weight: 206lb day before yesterday
Current Progress: +11lb, week 5/15

So I dropped dbol for several reasons. One, I feel it was aromatizing too easily and I don't respond to it well enough to justify feeling like shit, and I don't wanna bump up my arimidex. Two, I might add it in towards the end of cycle if I'm feeling up for it.

Anywho, I've been keeping up with the high volume workouts. I'm off to brave 20cm of snow to do an arm workout now... Will probably hit around 15 sets for bi's and 20-25 sets for tri's, with blablabla dropsets supersets whatever. I'll probably start with something heavy too... hammers and overhead extensions most likely.

Peace and love!
March 13, 2014
Weight: 208lb (GETTING THERE BABY..... but feeling bloated as phuk)
Dosage: 750mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 0.5mg Arimi EOD

Diet recently has been.... wow... sorry the new AdditionElle (plus sized women's clothing) commercial just featured the sexiest fat chick... Awakened my inner chubby chaser.

Diet recently has been good, getting 250g protein and 500-600g carbs daily. Haven't counted fats, but I keep em low. I've entirely stopped eating meat at home... sick of all the hormones/antibiotics being pumped into the meat I'm eating. Turns out all horse coming into QC is pumped full of antibiotics... ie: superbug imminent.

No thanks Jeff. I'll stick to copious amounts of whey, milk, and greek yogurt.

Just got back from training CHEST, and going to the gym a little later to hit LEGS.

1. Incline Bench - 225x16, 10, 8, 6, 135x3x12 with 1.5 reps
2. Plate Loaded Incline - 4 sets
3. Plate Loaded Flat - 4 sets
4. Dips - 2 sets
5. Pec Dec - 8 sets

Bam. Swole. Hard as fuckkk by the end of the workout.

Can't wait to hop back on TREN and shred up. I'm looking large but not quite lean :(

Anyway, take care lovers.
March 14, 2014
Weight: 207lb
Dosage: 750mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 0.5mg Arimi EOD

Diet: Hit around 200g protein so far, and 400g carbs. Gonna get in another 100-200g carbs before sleeping.

Trained BACK last night.

1. Pull-ups - 22, 18, 14
2. NG Pulldowns - 3-4 sets
3. Reverse Grip Pulldowns - 3 sets
4. Unilateral Pulldowns - 3 sets
5. NG Cable Rows - 3 sets
6. Machine Rows - 3 sets
7. Straight arm pulldowns - 3 sets
FML this volume is brutal.

Trained LEGS today. Started with deads, working up to 5 plates for a few reps (didn't have my straps to go heavier), then did front squats, 10x10. Did some isolation right after, can't remember exactly. I'm dead.

And I also seem to be getting a ganglion cyst on my wrist... fucking hurts like a BEOTCH so I'm gonna smash it with a non-religious heavy book real soon.
About to go demolish CHEST. Was planning on doing shoulders, but saw a really different workout I wanted to try.

225x1, then 2, then 3, then 4... to 20. I imagine it gives a monster pump and I probably won't be able to do much after (maybe some crossovers if I'm feeling suicidal). Got the idea from CT Fletcher's all natty (l0l) channel.

Anyway, off to the gym. I'll post the result after.

EDIT: Yup. Fucking hard.

Bench - 225x1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15... Then failure. Switched to 135 bitch mode for 16,17,18,19,20.
Machine Flyes - 5 sets

Pump is retarded. Gonna go slam chocolate milk and protein shakes and other carby things.
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Sunday, March 16, 2014
Weight: 207lb
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ, 0.25mg Arimi EOD (dropping arimi, feeling E is too low)
Diet: 600g carbs, 250g protein, Fats LOW

Training: ARMS

1. DB Curls - 3 double dropsets - 45 to 35 to 25
2. Hammer Curls - 3 double dropsets, 45 to 35 to 25
3. Machine Preachers - 3 dropsets - 80 to 40
4. DB Tricep Extensions - 3 double dropsets - 35, 25, 15
5. Tricep Extensions - I don't even know, just one massive quintuple sextuple dropset of insanity

Repped out on everything, fucking pumped out of my mind. Measured arms PWO and they hit 17 3/4 inches. Fucking sweet. I was training with 3 others so I couldn't hit as many sets as I wanted to, but the dropsets helped speed things up and really dial in a massive pump.
March 19, 2014
Weight: 208lb on 17/03/2014 - +14lb since 12/02/2014 (5 weeks in)
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ - Will be re-adding DBOL 02/04/2014 for 2-4 weeks
Diet: 550C/250P/50F (~3500 cal)

Training on 17/03/2014: BACK
1. Pull-ups - 100 reps total (23 reps the first set)
2. Lat Pulldowns - 4 sets, pyramid. Dropset on last set
3. NG Pulldowns - 4 sets, straight
4. Rack Pulls - 225x10x10.. Honestly too fucking light even for 10x10

Took a rest day yesterday. I'll be hitting SHOULDERS later tonight, and then LEGS tomorrow.
March 22, 2014
Weight: 210lb on 22/03/2014 - +16lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ

Trained ARMS yesterday, and CHEST today. Arms was the same as usual.. Dropsets on top of dropsets going for a massive pump. Did some heavy work... Got 275x8 on CG bench which is probably like 275x12-15 with a regular grip.

1. BENCH - 225x1,2,3,4...16,14 :( 185x18, 135x19,20
2. PEC DEC - 5x20

Pumped as fuck. On a side note, my buddy lost his grip on 225 and it fell on his upper abs. It only fell about 3 inches so he was ok, just winded.. But as a reminder, NEVER DO SUICIDE GRIP FOLKS. I was spitting him and couldn't do anything other than take the bar off him after it fell. THUMBS. GRIP. BAR.
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March 26, 2014
Weight: 211lb TODAY - +17lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ, 20mg Dbol ED, 0.5mg Arimi ED

Re-added dbol, upped arimidex to compensate. Hit delts yesterday, arms just now, back in the evening, legs tomorrow. Not much time to update, but reallllllly strong right now. Fooled around on bench after arms today and hit 315x6 on flat EASY, then 225x20 right after.

But I'm also feeling fat :( 2-4 weeks out from tren though, so I'm not too worried.
March 27, 2014
Weight: 209lb - +15lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ, 20mg Dbol ED, 0.5mg Arimi ED

Weight was down 2lb. I was fucking exhausted today walking into the gym and I hadn't eaten enough over the past two days. Plus, I was definitely holding a LOT more water yesterday. I think the increased arimidex dried me up a little bit. I'm fine with it, I feel a whole lot better than I did yesterday bloat-wise.

Just returned from a BRUTAL CHEST AND LEGS workout ON TOP of a TEN HOUR WORK DAY fuck my life. Started off with bench press (again, 315x6 then 225x21,13,11). Did another 12-15 sets on other exercises focusing mainly on pushing as much blood as possible into the chest.

THEN switched gears and did a leg workout (*puke*). Front squats, leg press, leg extensions. Just focused on quads today. Gotta hit hams and calves next time to balance things out, but I felt 2 hrs at the gym was enough.

Grabbed a $6 banana/protein shake from the bar (fucking mark-up prices are ridiculous), picked up some gatorade from the closest grocery store, and now, I'm currently dying on the couch watching whatever crappy sitcom is on right now.
March 29, 2014
Weight: 211lb - +17lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ, 20mg DBol, 0.5mg Arimi ED

Weight's back up to 211lb. Less tired and eating normally again (work's really been killing me recently). Still feeling like I'm holding some extra water but that's dbol, what can you do... Really been killing it at the gym to compensate :)

Yesterday, I hit arms. A lot of supersets and dropsets going for a monster pump.

Biceps: Straight bar curls for 4 sets, incline curls for 3 sets, preacher curls with 1.5 reps for 5 sets, unilateral preacher curl machine for 5 or 6 sets
Triceps: DB overhead extensions for 4 sets, EZ bar overhead extension for 3 sets, rope pushdowns 6 sets, and some weird machine pushdown thing for another 4-5 dropsets.

Can't remember if I'm forgetting anything but arms were PAINFULLY pumped so I was happy with it. Felt like sticking around a bit longer so I did DEADLIFTS and just murdered it.

315x3, 405x3, 455x1, 495x1, 545x1, 565x1 PR, 495x5, 5


Today, I did back.

1. Wide Pull-ups - 6 sets - 20,15,12,10,10,10
2. T-Bar Rows - 4 sets - 2P, 3P, 4P, 4P (should've definitely gone for 5)
3. Cable Rows - 5 sets - 135, 180, 240 (stack), 240, 240
4. Hammer Pull-ups - 4 sets of 10-15
5. More Wide Pull-ups - 3 sets

Great workouts lately. Awesome pumps, crazy PRs, tons of energy. I'll probably hit chest, shoulders, or legs tomorrow, depending on what I'm feeling. Have a great weekend folks.
March 30, 2014
Weight: 211lb - +17lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E, 500mg EQ, 20mg Dbol ED, 0.5mg Arimi ED

Trained CHEST today after all. I've really been liking how strong my pressing has been getting so I've been doing quite a bit more of it than usual.

1. Bench - 225x10, 275x3, 315x7
2. Incline - 225x10,9,9
3. Wide Plate Loaded - 5 sets
4. Cable Flyes - 5 sets
5. DB Incline Flyes - 3 dropsets
6. DB Incline Press - 3 dropsets from 90 to 45
April 3, 2014
Weight: 212lb - +18lb since 12/02/2014
Dosage: 750mg Test E EW, 500mg EQ EW, 20mg Dbol ED, 0.5mg Arimi ED

Did ARMS on Monday, BACK on Tuesday, and DELTS yesterday. Today, I'll be doing LEGS.

Notable lifts were DB shoulder press with 100s for 12, 10, 8, and doing a 25 rep set of pull-ups. Getting some crazy stretch marks in the lats especially, but also in my arms and where my shoulders connect to my chest. Workouts are high volume, low rest periods, with the intensity as high as possible. Pre workout simple sugars (GATORADE) is really helping me KILL IT during each session. I get around 50-75g of simple sugars Pre WO, then 100-150 PWO.

Getting in around 600g of carbs, 300g protein, and probably 50-100g fat each day. Weight is still moving up so I'm happy, despite getting thicker around the midsection. There's tren for that. Speaking of which, I think I'll be done bulking by April 15. If I go any longer, I think it'll just end up taking too long to get to how lean I want to be by summer.

The plan right now is 12 weeks, ramping Tren Ace from 50mg ED to 100mg ED. Test will stay at 250mg EW the whole time (enanthate), and I'll probably add in anavar for the last 4 weeks.