April 20, 2014
Weight: 210lb, still getting leaner. I love this shit.
Dosage: 100mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW
What is going on. Tren is god. I'm waking up with better abs every morning (coming from feeling flabby literally 2 weeks ago), I'm sweating like crazy every workout, still breaking PRs, and I have RIDICULOUS energy and libido. I was up this morning at 8 AM without an alarm and completely fresh.. I'm used to waking up at like 10 AM and exhausted. I'll also be adding in anavar and clen in a few weeks to really shred up and look beautiful.
As for training, I think the past three days have been REST/BACK/ARMS. Today, I'll do either LEGS or DELTS or BACK again. I'm training pretty instinctively. My legs barely fit my jeans so I'm not too worried about hitting them every week, my back is my strong point but I love throwing more mass on it, and big delts always produce the best looking physique.
1. Barbell Rows - 5 sets with 225, 2 sets with 275, 1 set with 295. 6-12 reps per set
2. Pulldowns - 4 sets, 10-15 reps
3. Pull-ups - 3 drop sets (1 chain @ 20lb to bodyweight)
4. Cable Rows - 3 sets
5. Straight Arm Pulldowns - 3 sets
1. CG Bench - 225x10, 275x8, 315x4, 225+40 chains x 10,8,8, 135+40 chains x 23
2. Banded Dips - 5 x 12
3. Rope Pushdowns - 4 sets
Should've done more for tri's, but it was a lazy day.
4. Preacher DB Curls - 3 sets
5. Incline Cable Curls - 6 sets
Again, fairly low volume, but crazy pumped. Finito.
Very happy with strength gains. Gonna be trying 365 on bench fairly soon. This time last year, I couldn't hit 315 for 1 on regular grip bench, and now I'm doing between 7-8 reps on that so I'm very happy with strength progress. Chains are really putting extra stress on the triceps, which, if you've been following my log, is one of my weaknesses. I'll be very happy to bring up my tri's this cycle while leaning down as well.
Anyway, it's Easter Sunday. Gym's still open so I'll be doing some REPS FO JESUS. Take care folks.