ROOOOOUND TWO, FIGHT - Gyno Surgery Recovery/Cruise into 25 Week Blast!

Getting in around 600g of carbs, 300g protein, and probably 50-100g fat each day. Weight is still moving up so I'm happy, despite getting thicker around the midsection. There's tren for that. Speaking of which, I think I'll be done bulking by April 15. If I go any longer, I think it'll just end up taking too long to get to how lean I want to be by summer.

The plan right now is 12 weeks, ramping Tren Ace from 50mg ED to 100mg ED. Test will stay at 250mg EW the whole time (enanthate), and I'll probably add in anavar for the last 4 weeks.

That's what it takes to grow buddy - keep killing it. Looking forward to the tren blast pics, no homo
maybe i overlooked it. but about what is cost of this surgery? i saw the consultation.


Anyway, decided today to drop everything for a week or two to let the test levels drop back down to baseline, then I'm gonna be adding in tren. My peak weight this cycle was 212lb, which I weighed in at just yesterday. I'm pretty bummed about cutting it so short since it's only been 8 or 9 weeks since I've started, but summer's coming up real fast so I wanna switch gears and get lean by June.

Besides, there's always next fall for bulking up again :) Pretty happy overall; I reached 212lb which is the highest I've ever been, and I'm looking to cut to between 190-195 while on Tren, but we'll see where things go. Next bulk, I'll likely be using Test/Deca/Anadrol. I made good gains this cycle, but EQ is a long game, so cutting the cycle short at this point is kinda short-changing myself. Plus, deca is a better bulker without a doubt.

I'll keep you guys updated on when I'll hop on the tren train. I'll be starting at:

75mg Tren Ace ED
250mg Test E EW

That'll come to 525mg Tren and 250mg Test weekly. I'll probably add in anavar at some point, and possibly clen if I'm not feeling too flat to begin with.
April 12, 2014 - In the TRENZONE
Weight: 209lb
Dosage: 75mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW

Started a few days ago and enjoying the benefits already. Libido is up, sweating noticeably more, and feeling leaner despite being at the same weight. Abs are coming in a little bit too. Not sure if it's placebo effect or what, but I definitely feel different. Dropping Dbol put me down a few pounds, but nothing too bad since I was only running 20mg ED.

In terms of training, I'm still killing it. Did BACK yesterday and CHEST today.

Deadlifts - Worked up to 495x10 PR
BB Rows - 135x15, 15, 15, 225x10, 10 - Gonna do 225 for all 5 sets from now on
NG Pulldowns - 5 sets, 10-15 reps
EZ Bar Curls - 4 sets, 10-15 reps

Bench Press - Worked up to 315x6+1
Incline Bench - 225x10,7,7 (the 315 set really pooped me)
Hammerstrength Wide - 4 sets, 2-2.5 plates each side
Weighted Dips - 2 dropsets with chains (40lb, 20lb, BW)
Machine Flyes - 5 sets
Triceps - around 8 sets, overhead EZ-bar and cable pushdowns

Et voila. Will probably bump up tren even higher cuz fuck it why not. UGL is usually underdosed anyway. I'm gonna keep track of my erections very carefully. If they feel weak, I'm concluding that the tren is cut with too much NPP and finding a different UGL. That's the way you gotta think these days with scammers.

Anyway, take care folks. It's summer so enjoy your lives and drink in moderation, you only get one liver.
April 13, 2014
Weight: 209lb, but abs are coming out more. Srs.
Dosage: 75mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW

1. DB Shoulder Press - 100s x 12,10, 75s x 15,15,15
2. Cable Side Laterals - 4 sets
3. DB Side Lateral - 4 dropsets
4. Rear Delts - 5x20

Notes: Will be training either back or legs tomorrow. My legs feel big so I'm not really worried about hitting them every week. Seriously fucked up leg genetics... I walk and they grow. God dammit. Also, I'll be adding in Tren E alongside the Tren A this time around. I'm gonna be travelling a bit for my job so I wanna get around 400-500mg of tren from enanthate to keep blood levels stable, and have ace to get another 300mg or so.

Edit: Accidentally the date.
April 16, 2014
Weight: 207lb OH LAWD
Dosage: 100mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW

So I think I dropped my carbs too hard. Bumping them up from 300g to about 350-400g. I think the initial weight loss came from water mostly. My arm measurements haven't changed but I definitely feel a bit flatter. That'd be the dbol and high test/eq leaving the system. Abs are coming in a lot better though, even though I still have a layer to lose on top.

In terms of lifting, I hit back a few days ago something like:

1. Deadlifts - Worked up to 515lb x 9
2. BB Rows - 225x4x10
3. Pulldowns - 4 sets
4. Unilateral Pulldowns - 3 sets
5. Straight Arm Pulldowns - 3 sets

I hit delts and legs yesterday as well. I hit triceps but not very thoroughly (it's my biggest weakness) so I'm going to go back again today to really hammer them. The additional recovery ability from tren should keep me ok. I'll probably just do tri's today and leave it at that.
April 16, 2014
Weight: 208lb
Dosage: 100mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW

OK so I decided to play it easy and just hit Triceps (weakspot) and Abs today...

1. CG Bench - 225x10, 275x6 (paused last rep), 315x1 (could've got more fresher, pushed hard on the 275 set for the pause), 225x10,10,8 (all reps paused on last set)
2. Dips (with band) - 5-8 x 10 reps
3. Band Pushdowns - 4 sets of max
4. Tricep Overhead Extensions - 3 sets
5. Extreme Stretch a la Doggcrapp - 60s per arm
6. Abs - 5 sets of hanging leg raises

Tri's were pretty tooooooast. Good workout. Gotta bring my arms up.
April 20, 2014
Weight: 210lb, still getting leaner. I love this shit.
Dosage: 100mg Tren A ED, 250mg Test E EW

What is going on. Tren is god. I'm waking up with better abs every morning (coming from feeling flabby literally 2 weeks ago), I'm sweating like crazy every workout, still breaking PRs, and I have RIDICULOUS energy and libido. I was up this morning at 8 AM without an alarm and completely fresh.. I'm used to waking up at like 10 AM and exhausted. I'll also be adding in anavar and clen in a few weeks to really shred up and look beautiful.

As for training, I think the past three days have been REST/BACK/ARMS. Today, I'll do either LEGS or DELTS or BACK again. I'm training pretty instinctively. My legs barely fit my jeans so I'm not too worried about hitting them every week, my back is my strong point but I love throwing more mass on it, and big delts always produce the best looking physique.

1. Barbell Rows - 5 sets with 225, 2 sets with 275, 1 set with 295. 6-12 reps per set
2. Pulldowns - 4 sets, 10-15 reps
3. Pull-ups - 3 drop sets (1 chain @ 20lb to bodyweight)
4. Cable Rows - 3 sets
5. Straight Arm Pulldowns - 3 sets

1. CG Bench - 225x10, 275x8, 315x4, 225+40 chains x 10,8,8, 135+40 chains x 23
2. Banded Dips - 5 x 12
3. Rope Pushdowns - 4 sets
Should've done more for tri's, but it was a lazy day.
4. Preacher DB Curls - 3 sets
5. Incline Cable Curls - 6 sets
Again, fairly low volume, but crazy pumped. Finito.

Very happy with strength gains. Gonna be trying 365 on bench fairly soon. This time last year, I couldn't hit 315 for 1 on regular grip bench, and now I'm doing between 7-8 reps on that so I'm very happy with strength progress. Chains are really putting extra stress on the triceps, which, if you've been following my log, is one of my weaknesses. I'll be very happy to bring up my tri's this cycle while leaning down as well.

Anyway, it's Easter Sunday. Gym's still open so I'll be doing some REPS FO JESUS. Take care folks.

I just picked up on your thread. Man do I love to hear a good success story. It can be a very dark place when we are not at our best. Been under the knife myself recently (not gyno).

Do you have any idea how you ended up with the gyno? Is there anything you learned that you could share?
May 11, 2014 - Wow it's been like 3 weeks SORRY
Weight: 205lb, a LOT leaner
Dosage: 600mg Tren E, 250mg Test E

OK so then. I've been away for a while because of lots of work, exams, etc... But of course training is paramount and I'm always on top of my shit! Switched from Tren Ace to Tren E entirely since I'll be travelling a lot for my job this summer, plus I'm seeing good gains off it anyway. Pretty much switched gears from a cut to a recomp since I'm getting leaner at the same weight. Feeling HO-READY nahmsayin.

I've been REALLY sick the last week as well. Had a bad fever on Mon/Tues and had to go down south for business as well so that was just brutal. Dropped down to like 201lb too fast so I ate more to bounce back over the past few days. I'm feeling a lot better minus a cough and a slight muscle tear in my side that fucking kills every time I cough, but I should be 100% within a week or two.

Training has been good as well. Been focusing mainly on pump workouts, but strength is still 100%. Hitting CG bench with 2 plates and chains for 15-20 reps on the first set, hitting 315 for 8-10 on flat bench, hitting pull-ups with 40lb of chains for 10-15 reps... everything is going pretty swell.

Doublelung: Keep your head up man. Recovery after surgery is a shitty route of antibiotics and feeling like shit about yourself. Gyno is a small, small surgery, but I've known people who've had it a lot worse... kids going into surgery for cancer treatment who don't end up winning the fight... it's a hard, hard world my friend so love the ones you got, live every day embracing your mortality, and fuck anyone who doesn't give you the love and respect you deserve as a person especially if you put your heart out for them.

As for personal experiences with gyno, I grew up with it. Got picked on a lot in middle school lol. Probably ended up with it just by being a fat kid (fat = high estro, bad during puberty). Of course, it could've just been plain old genetics. If there's one thing I've learned, it's don't live with something that ruins your quality of life. Surgery has brought up my self confidence ten-fold.

Anyway, that's that. I took my mother out for mother's day lunch and brought her to a flower shop too. Do something nice for your mother, if not today, then tomorrow... but you never know how long she'll be around. I'm not religious, but I'll be damned if I don't count my blessings every day lately.

Cheers folks.
PS I'll remain on Tren for most of summer I think. I'll take some time off in fall, and then blast Test/Deca/Drol to get to 220-230lb by December.
May 14, 2014
Weight: 207lb - Feeling lean as fawk though srs
Dose: 600mg Tren E EW, 250mg Test E EW, 20mg Anavar ED

Well shiiiiiit everything's going pretty great. Veins are popping all over my delts and even upper arms, and my abs are coming back pretty hard too. Did CHEST/BI yesterday and DELTS today. Think I did BACK/TRI a few days ago as well.

- Started with dropsets from 40lb chains to BW, 4 sets
- Rack chin-ups, 4 sets
- Barbell Rows (just a plate, focus on form), 10 sets
- CG Bench 225+40lb chains for 3 sets... 15, 12, 10 I think
- Band Pushdowns - Probably 8-10 sets

- Bench - Worked up to 3 plates for 9, plus 1 extra with a spotter
- Incline machine, did something like 8 sets
- Stopped chest here cuz of my fucked up rib (pretty sure it's a mild fracture, should heal up in a few weeks)
- Barbell Curls - Mostly light stuff, probably did 10 sets total

- Overhead Press - 1 plate, 15, 15, 12
- Behind the neck press - 95lb x 12, 12, 12, 12
- Laterals - 5 sets
- Face Pulls and Band Face Pulls - 6 sets
- Upright Rows - Bar x 50

Veins and striations popping after every workout. Loving this shit. Anyway, the log's not gonna be too entertaining during the recomp since stats won't be changing much and I'll probably just keep raving about how much leaner I'm getting at the same weight. No problem with me, I like staying this weight.
May 17, 2014
Weight: 206lb
Dosage: 600mg Tren E EW, 250mg Test E EW, 20mg Anavar ED

Yesterday: ARMS
- CG Bench - 225+40lb chains x 16, 13, 10
- Band Pushdowns - Around 10 sets with the green band
- Barbell Curls and Drag Curls - Around 12 sets total

Today: CHEST or BACK haven't decided. Will post back later.

Weighed in at 207lb and trained CHEST
- Bench: 315x8, 225x12,10,10,10 nice and slow
- Incline Plate Loaded - Around 8 sets
- Pec Flyes - 4-5 sets
- Pec Stretch - 30s
- Did some extra biceps too, 3 triple dropsets and done