Routine good or bad???


New member
Whats up guys Im 6'1 218lbs. with 25% body fat i have bee working out for 7 months and noticed some gains but ive been doing the same routine of Mon.chest+tris. Tues. back+bis Wed.legs+shoulders and repeat Thur. Fri. Sat. and take sunday off. I do 4 sets and 4 different excercises per muscle. My reps are any where from5-8 per set. Im lifting heavy because im trying to gain mass so that maybe later on i could start toning it down.I have a strict diet where i try to get at least 5 meals a day since i want muscle mass. Would you guys recomend that i try a different routine? or a any suggetions at all i will appreciate anything you guys could share with me of your knowledge. thanks