RUI liquid stane rec dosages?


New member
Is liquid stane a better choose for an AI over Letro? I've heard it both ways. I've used Letro in the past but thinking of using liquid stane in the future. Any dosage suggestions?
Is liquid stane a better choose for an AI over Letro? I've heard it both ways. I've used Letro in the past but thinking of using liquid stane in the future. Any dosage suggestions?
I like letro way more myself, dosed low ofcourse.

the stane should be dosed higher in males than most do it. 25mg ed-eod min IMO.
Letro is too hard to manage IMO. Too stong. Even at very low doses it crashes my e2.
Stane is a great choice imo, What test dose we talking?
Letro is great, but you have to be willing to get frequent blood tests to ensure you're dosing it correctly, which requires really small increases to prevent taking too much.

I do like exemestane, but it's expensive and often requires pretty high doses for me personally. If you're lean and on a small cycle or moderate TRT dose, 12.5mg/ED can do the trick. Otherwise, there will need to be some experimentation and blood work involved. It's easily the best AI, but it does cost a pretty penny for the increased benefits.

My .02c :)
I've used Letro on first 2 cycles as per porkchop's suggestion a while back. Low dose eod seemed to make me sleepy/tired, soon after that I kept the same dose and went e3d and worked great. No sides no itchy nips, swollen nips etc. Just hear great things with stane.

5'10 190 15% 35 yrs.
This cycle was planning to do
Test 500mg weekly 1-12 maybe 16
Npp 400 weekly 1-12 maybe 16 up for sugg.
Letro or stane ?
Liquid prami on hand as we'll
Hcg 500iu weekly 1-12/16
Decided npp since it seems a little more user friendly for my experience. Up for suggestions.