RUI Sermorelin/GHRP2 Stack Log


OK so im going to run a 7month, Sermorelin/GHRP2 stack. I have been debating this for some time. I have run a cjc1293/ghrp6 cycle in the past and liked it but after further research I think that the Sermorelin (a Mod GRF 1-29) and GHRP2 will give me more potent GH pulses. Ill be injecting 100mcg of each - 3x/day.
I will be ordering now as they have 20% off peptides plus i got a twitter code for another 10% off for mentioning them.
I will probably start the run around the second week in april and run it through spring,summer and fall. The runn will fall into one of my cycles as well which I am really excited about.
Ill post updates here but I just wanted to get the ball rolling with this post and Ill start the log soon. Im ordering today so Ill prob have the peps by Monday. Lets seee if I stick to plan and wait or start right away LOL.
Stay tuned for log and please feeel free to ask me any questions. i want to really try to detail it and def compare it to my prrevious 1293/ghrp6 run.
Following fo show! Right now I'm switching between semorline - ghrp 6 and cjc mod -ghrp2 i shoot 4x daily every now and then 5x it's working nicely. Never used rui so I'm definitely keeping tabs.
Hopefully you will like it better. I tried GHRP-2 and compared to Ipamorelin it still makes me hungry at anything above 200mcg. I dunno how guys handle GHRP-6 since hunger is supposed to be worse. I'd probably eat the whole fridge bare. LOL :)
Following fo show! Right now I'm switching between semorline - ghrp 6 and cjc mod -ghrp2 i shoot 4x daily every now and then 5x it's working nicely. Never used rui so I'm definitely keeping tabs.

Cool. Glad u will be following along!

Hopefully you will like it better. I tried GHRP-2 and compared to Ipamorelin it still makes me hungry at anything above 200mcg. I dunno how guys handle GHRP-6 since hunger is supposed to be worse. I'd probably eat the whole fridge bare. LOL :)

See now with me the hunger was there with GHRP6, but it was not unmanageable by any means. I could control it. It will be interesting to see how this run goes. I just ordered it up yesterday.
So how's it going bro? Curious of the results. Better sleep kicking in yet?

I stuck to my plan and am starting this coming Monday. I have everything in hand and ready just they way I like it. ill update with my first pin on this coming Monday Am! Thanks for following along man!
So I started this yesterday. I did 3 pins, 100mcg each of Sermorelin and GHRp2 each in One first thing in am, one mid to later afternoon, and one right before bed. The reconstitution and pinning went very well. So far Im one shot in today. I did notice a bit of drowsiness, nothing drastic. A cup of coffee and I was good to go.
This is going to be a long term type of log and it will probably take a while to notice significant changes.
At any rate its off to a good start. I will update probably every other day or more if something exciitng to report.
Im gonna follow! I have GHRP6 & Sermorelin on stand bye and will start it up in the fall when my 6 months of GH are done.
I usually use cjc and ghrp2...then switch to sermorelin and ghrp6. I'm really leaning toward just using sermorelin and ghrp2 month on and cjc - ghrp 6 2 weeks on then switching back. Sermorelin and ghrp2 are definitely the better of thetwo for me. And it didn't take 6 months for me to notice any drastic effect I'd say more like two and a half months I could tell a huge difference. But i soon begin pinning 4 or 5 times a day. And i dont pin right before bed the first 90 minutes of sleep is when you naturally make the most so I wake up 4 hours into sleep pin then go back to sleep.
Ahh cool Jimi, Im on board to see your progress, I have 6 and sermorelin on its way, we'll have to duke it out with our results lol
Yeah, I wont be waking up in the middle of the night to pin. Not happening lol.
So far so good. the biggest thing I notice is the deeper sleep. The pinning isnt bothering me at all as far frequency and remembering to do it. In the past i have been forgetful when i am on frequent pinning regimens. Not the case this time.
The drowsiness wasnt as prevalent today and I didnt have the cup of thats good.
Anyway Ill keep things updated as they progress. It will be cool doing this whit or while someone else is as well to compare. I think thats great!
Thanks for following guys.
Hows this combo treatin you Jimi? I just started my ghrp6 and sermorelin today, same protocol as you 100mcg of each 3x a day, i might throw up a log too so we can compare notes
I've been on sermorelin and ghrp6 for almost a month and the longer I'm on 6 the worst the hunger becomes. It's not that bad th first few weeks. In a few days I'll be swapping over to cjc and ghrp2. I'll be heading into 3 months of use. I was already cutting so it's hard to say how much it trimmed me up. But I'll soon go on maintenance diet so that will tell me exactly what it's doing in comparison to reducing fat. The main thing I've notice this month is bad tingling in my hands, the tips of my fingers and biceps feel numb at times. It's usually not that bad but at times it can be strong enough to be uncomfortable.
So far,so good. My sleep patterns are excellent. I feel good. As of yet those are the things I am noticing. The pinning is going well. In the past when I have to pin frequently I have forgotten but this time I seem to be doing well with that. Ill be updating about eod or so.
Schredder Id log to run a log side by side with someone! Do it!
Im being more aware of not eating around my injection times. A couple times I messed up and ate and from what I understand this impact the gh pulse. That is my new thing - to be more aware of eating time as far as around injections.
Sorry for the lapse in updates. been very busy. So faar all is going well. I am sleeping great and I seem to be leaning out slightly. I feel very good, have my injection / eating times down pat at this point. Almost like second nature now. Ill update more often, like i said busy last 6-7days
Hi, thx for the updates. I am noob to Ology (not to fitness). Have been on a 6 week cycle of Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 and my IGF-1 numbers are great. The sad part is that is disappointing me at every turn. I know this sounds like a stupid q: but who can do the same Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 in an auto pen cartridge ? Thx for anybody's help.

^^ I have no idea bud. Why not reconstitute and administer yourself? Thats what im doing. Got the stuff from rui. Its not difficult. Also pm IMT Staff here im sure they will help you if they can.

As far as my update all is going well. Im liking the rest and fat burning properties the peps are responsible for. All is going well. I feel great. Ill stick to thing over the weekend, which is actually the most difficult as I am out of my routine and I will update monday.
Have a great weekend!
Little late on my update but all is going well. I feeel great, I sleep great , and im losing body fat slowly but steadily. Vey pleased.
DOsing is very good, injection timing and eating are very good. All in all I am pleased to this point. Like a low dose GH, it really is.