Run full PCT?


New member
I am nearing the end of a superdrol cycle and I am unsure as to whether or not I should run a full post cycle therapy (pct). I only gained a little on this cycle and I have still been my usual horny self. I don't feel shutdown, and yes I know what that feels like, and I feel like I could just quit cold turkey and be completely fine. (Obviously I won't be doing this). Should I run a low dose PCT? or full dose?

Extra info-
Used LGI's SD-10
gained about 5 pounds
Gained some strength.
ran 20/20/30/30
Zero sides throughout the entire cycle, even when on 30 mg a day.
Balls are same size
I also have some letrozole on hand

Thanks in advance for the advice. I have plenty of nolva, but if I don't need to use it I don't want to.
u sound like your not fully shut down, but unless you get labs youll never know

they say post cycle therapy (pct) is alway mandatory because if your not 100% then there is a chance you wont recover fully on your own

better to waste nolva & be safe than sorry

just my 2 cents & i never ran superdrol btw

I am nearing the end of a superdrol cycle and I am unsure as to whether or not I should run a full post cycle therapy (pct). I only gained a little on this cycle and I have still been my usual horny self. I don't feel shutdown, and yes I know what that feels like, and I feel like I could just quit cold turkey and be completely fine. (Obviously I won't be doing this). Should I run a low dose post cycle therapy (pct)? or full dose?

Extra info-
Used LGI's SD-10
gained about 5 pounds
Gained some strength.
ran 20/20/30/30
Zero sides throughout the entire cycle, even when on 30 mg a day.
Balls are same size
I also have some letrozole on hand

Thanks in advance for the advice. I have plenty of nolva, but if I don't need to use it I don't want to.
I'd put the letro back on the shelf you won't be needing that ha ha. I would run a normal post cycle therapy (pct) if I were you
Thanks for the advice. Chances are I'd of run a full post cycle therapy (pct) anyways, better to be safe than sorry, but it's always good to hear from more experienced people. This is only my second cycle, so I'm still learning. I have to say I'm a little dissapointed in SD. But then again, it could be because I've already ran a real cycle that I didn't gain much.
Thanks for the advice. Chances are I'd of run a full post cycle therapy (pct) anyways, better to be safe than sorry, but it's always good to hear from more experienced people. This is only my second cycle, so I'm still learning. I have to say I'm a little dissapointed in SD. But then again, it could be because I've already ran a real cycle that I didn't gain much.

you shouldn't go into a superdrol cycle expecting great gains in strength and size....when i took it i put on 9-11 pounds...but it was very very lean weight with absolutely zero water retention....but that was ages ago and i didn't run it with test either (young and stupid)
you shouldn't go into a superdrol cycle expecting great gains in strength and size....when i took it i put on 9-11 pounds...but it was very very lean weight with absolutely zero water retention....but that was ages ago and i didn't run it with test either (young and stupid)

Was that your first cycle?
This was my first I did a lot if question asking before I took it

Week 1-12 * 500mg Testosterone enanthate
Week 1-12 * 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E4D
Week12-14 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED (ending 4 days before PCT)
Week 14-18 * 50mg clomid ED
Week 1-14 *12.5mg Aromasin ED
Turns out it works out perfect for me now I just play with the test, stacking and length. One day I'll venture to different styles of cycles but this style never fails!!
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really surprised you didn't get shutdown, SD usually shuts people down hard

So was I. I want to say the product was bunk or underdosed, but I don't think it was. I have heard nothing but good about LGI and have read people's logs where they get testicular atrophy, lethargy, back pumps, great gains, the whole shibang. I am going to try SD once more in the future and see if it works better next time, but I think my body just doesn't respond to it well. I read some study a while back and it was something about some people not responding to oral turinabol, so maybe it's possible to not to respond to SD as well??? I'm not quite sure what to think at this point.