Running a DHT derivitive?


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Does anyone run a DHT derivitive while running Tren? Such as Masteron, Proviron, Anavar? A little research on other sites show that it seems to help smooth out a Tren run.

I dont know if Id say they smooth out a Tren cycle but it certainly enhances it. When you mix the three families of AAS (Testosterone, DHT, 19nor) together in a cycle you are creating a much more efficient cycle then, lets say, 1 Testosterone compound and two DHT, or 19nor compounds or 2 Testosterone compounds and 1 DHT or 19nor (eg: Test/EQ/19nor). Keep in mind though as most DHT are considered 'cutting drugs' and will benefit you most if at a low BF%. Which is really the case for any AAS but I believe more so with these compounds. Another reason I and most guys like to run a DHT compound with their cycles is many of them bind to your SHBG thus allowing you to make better use of the Testosterone you injecting by freeing more of it up. (Mast, Prov, Winstrol all do this). Of course there the visual effects that attract people as well but if not at a low enough BF% effects wont be seen.

My go to DHT compounds is Masteron hands down. I actually wont run a cycle without it now.
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I decided to run proviron with my current cycle, I'm only running 400 mg of test (and a handful of other compounds),, But I feel like the proviron is definitely benefiting me.. My last cycle I ran 600 mg of test c with 100 mg eod of test prop (front loading first 5 weeks).. So basically a gram of test.

Well at only 400 mg of test now, I feel better then I did at a gram of test, with less sides (very little back acne this go around).. Proviron is a new compound for me so I feel it's making the difference,, adding to my libido, my mood is better, and perhaps freeing up more testosterone .

Currently running two nandrolones at 700 mg,, will be adding masteron and primo the second half of my cycle, Will see how those dht derivatives do with the 19nor as well
I decided to run proviron with my current cycle, I'm only running 400 mg of test (and a handful of other compounds),, But I feel like the proviron is definitely benefiting me.. My last cycle I ran 600 mg of test c with 100 mg eod of test prop (front loading first 5 weeks).. So basically a gram of test.

Well at only 400 mg of test now, I feel better then I did at a gram of test, with less sides (very little back acne this go around).. Proviron is a new compound for me so I feel it's making the difference,, adding to my libido, my mood is better, and perhaps freeing up more testosterone .

Currently running two nandrolones at 700 mg,, will be adding masteron and primo the second half of my cycle, Will see how those dht derivatives do with the 19nor as well

Ya Proviron is great. A lot of guys say is sucks and is useless but if you run real Proviron its absolutely a benefit in any cycle you do without a fuckin doubt. I find at 100mg per day is when it really starts to shine. And I think the naysayers just screwed up and didnt run a high enough dose as it is very mild.

Its almost identical to Mast in terms of how it makes you feel.........which is all around awesome all the time. Enhanced well being, libido. Its great.

What I really want to try in the near future is a high dose of Primo with Test and low Tren. Ive never tried Primo and Im itchin to!!

What are you running your Prov at?
And what do you run your Primo at when your on it?

No hijack intended SJC brother
Ya Proviron is great. A lot of guys say is sucks and is useless but if you run real Proviron its absolutely a benefit in any cycle you do without a fuckin doubt. I find at 100mg per day is when it really starts to shine. And I think the naysayers just screwed up and didnt run a high enough dose as it is very mild.

Its almost identical to Mast in terms of how it makes you feel.........which is all around awesome all the time. Enhanced well being, libido. Its great.

What I really want to try in the near future is a high dose of Primo with Test and low Tren. Ive never tried Primo and Im itchin to!!

What are you running your Prov at?
And what do you run your Primo at when your on it?

No hijack intended SJC brother

I'm only running proviron at 50 mg a day,, but after about 5 days or so I felt great .. Actually proviron use to be used to treat depression in men,, So the mood quality change is a nice perk.

The last time I ran primo it was at 600 mg at the tail end of a mass cycle.. Basically what I did was at the end of a test/deca cycle,, I added in the primo and went to a trt dose of test,, This was to help me keep my gains while I went into a bit of a cut phase,, Primo is great at keeping you anti catabolic while in a calorie deficit.. I'll be adding primo and mast together this go around
I'm only running proviron at 50 mg a day,, but after about 5 days or so I felt great .. Actually proviron use to be used to treat depression in men,, So the mood quality change is a nice perk.

The last time I ran primo it was at 600 mg at the tail end of a mass cycle.. Basically what I did was at the end of a test/deca cycle,, I added in the primo and went to a trt dose of test,, This was to help me keep my gains while I went into a bit of a cut phase,, Primo is great at keeping you anti catabolic while in a calorie deficit.. I'll be adding primo and mast together this go around

That will be costly! But I'm just a little jealous
That will be costly! But I'm just a little jealous

Yeah, but I don't spend money on hgh anymore, So there is a lot leftover for more AAS and sarms :). Heck I might as well through some tren in there as well
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Ya Proviron is great. A lot of guys say is sucks and is useless but if you run real Proviron its absolutely a benefit in any cycle you do without a fuckin doubt. I find at 100mg per day is when it really starts to shine. And I think the naysayers just screwed up and didnt run a high enough dose as it is very mild.

Its almost identical to Mast in terms of how it makes you feel.........which is all around awesome all the time. Enhanced well being, libido. Its great.

What I really want to try in the near future is a high dose of Primo with Test and low Tren. Ive never tried Primo and Im itchin to!!

What are you running your Prov at?
And what do you run your Primo at when your on it?

No hijack intended SJC brother

No sweat, Its what I want to hear. I'm trying to decide between Provi and Mast
No sweat, Its what I want to hear. I'm trying to decide between Provi and Mast

From MY experiences Mast is better. A litter stronger from my point of view and the benefits are enhanced compared to Prov. Plus, you dont have to take pills every day. If you can find the Mast Enan ester your laughing because it inly requires 2 pins per week!
No sweat, Its what I want to hear. I'm trying to decide between Provi and Mast

Mast is the stronger muscle builder.. But I'd run both. From here on out I'm gonna always run proviron as a 'base' with testosterone on all cycles.. No negatives from it, only positives,, plus "freeing" up more test is always a good thing
No sweat, Its what I want to hear. I'm trying to decide between Provi and Mast

Proviron IS masteron in non-methylated form. As masteron (drostanolone) is 100% bioavailable in injections, it's going to be stronger.

Then there's the whole, "let's methylate the SHIT out of drostanolone, and call it superdrol". Stronger than proviron, but very toxic as it has two methyl groups.

Funny how that works. :)
Proviron IS masteron in non-methylated form. As masteron (drostanolone) is 100% bioavailable in injections, it's going to be stronger.

Then there's the whole, "let's methylate the SHIT out of drostanolone, and call it superdrol". Stronger than proviron, but very toxic as it has two methyl groups.

Funny how that works. :)

That Quote is Amazing! I Luv it. Why does superdrol give you gyno drostanolone doesnt?