Running Test (500mg/week) and staying on it indeffinetely?


New member
I'm currently on my third cycle of test, the first two being 500 mg Test E/week and the current being 500mg Test C/week. As I am halfway through my third cycle I'm considering not coming off of the test for a little while and maintaing the 500 mg/week for an indefinite period of time. I'm aware of the risks with regards to a testosterone deficiency at my age (19) but I've had my test levels checked before my current cycle and they do return to normal after 15 weeks of 500 mg/week. MY QUESTION IS if I stay on it for longer than 15 weeks will the risk of a deficiency be dramatically higher? I've heard of people and know people that stay on it for several years with no worries of their test levels returning to normal. I'm anticipating a lot of criticism with regards to my age but I've had tests done (such as blood work) to ensure that I stay healthy between cycles and I know these cycles are safe and tolerable with my body-->so please don't criticize my age.
You're right, on here you're going to get a lot of criticism regarding your age... and for many good reasons. But since you don't care about those reasons I'm guessing then that you're not going to listen anyway.

Yes, the longer you run exogenous testosterone, the harder time you will have recovering when you go off. That's not to say you can't recover but it will just be a rougher time. Regardless of your age, I definitely don't suggest running this dose longer than 16 weeks. The problem will be that you just won't see the results you think you should just because you run it longer. There will be a falloff curve the longer one extends their cycle... then you end up facing the issue of having to introduce a new compound or upping the dose just to get results.

So even the guys that reportedly stay on year round and have committed themselves pretty much to a lifetime of pinning, DON'T run full cycle doses that whole time. They give their bodies a break to allow a long list of health markers a chance to reset themselves by running a lower dose for a period of time.
I'm currently on my third cycle of test, the first two being 500 mg Test E/week and the current being 500mg Test C/week. As I am halfway through my third cycle I'm considering not coming off of the test for a little while and maintaing the 500 mg/week for an indefinite period of time. I'm aware of the risks with regards to a testosterone deficiency at my age (19) but I've had my test levels checked before my current cycle and they do return to normal after 15 weeks of 500 mg/week. MY QUESTION IS if I stay on it for longer than 15 weeks will the risk of a deficiency be dramatically higher? I've heard of people and know people that stay on it for several years with no worries of their test levels returning to normal. I'm anticipating a lot of criticism with regards to my age but I've had tests done (such as blood work) to ensure that I stay healthy between cycles and I know these cycles are safe and tolerable with my body-->so please don't criticize my age.

19 and already 3 cycles damn... all I'm gonna say about the age part.

Each person is different. You will bounce back after few years of cruising, but most likely your test will be very low. Even that will require a very long PCT that you will hate to go through after staying on for so long. So if you want to stay on, accept the fact that TRT may be a part of your future. But you may get lucky and bounce back to the acceptable levels, you never know...

And do you mean staying indefinitely on 500mg/week? or cruising with normal TRT dose after each blast?
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I'm currently on my third cycle of test, the first two being 500 mg Test E/week and the current being 500mg Test C/week. As I am halfway through my third cycle I'm considering not coming off of the test for a little while and maintaing the 500 mg/week for an indefinite period of time. I'm aware of the risks with regards to a testosterone deficiency at my age (19) but I've had my test levels checked before my current cycle and they do return to normal after 15 weeks of 500 mg/week. MY QUESTION IS if I stay on it for longer than 15 weeks will the risk of a deficiency be dramatically higher? I've heard of people and know people that stay on it for several years with no worries of their test levels returning to normal. I'm anticipating a lot of criticism with regards to my age but I've had tests done (such as blood work) to ensure that I stay healthy between cycles and I know these cycles are safe and tolerable with my body-->so please don't criticize my age.

If you're so aware of the risks of cycling at your age, and are stating that it can be done safely (because you heard about someone that recovered after a loooooooooong time on a cycle), what was the point of this thread again?

This is me not telling you that you're making a really stupid choice that may cost you not only a fully functioning penis in a few years, but also the possibility of having a family. Enjoy your stunted growth and unfinished brain development. I look forward to seeing you in the TRT forums in the future; please bring enough cookies to share with everyone when you do. :)

My .02c :wiggle:
In a few years, when your all big and muscley, and u got a super fine chic, tap my fatass in after your done flexing and getting her all horned up. I'll put a spankin on her for u buddy! :)
doesnt anyone else think that this post is bogus?? i mean come on 19 years old. he is on his 3rd cycle?
doesnt anyone else think that this post is bogus?? i mean come on 19 years old. he is on his 3rd cycle?

I know a kid that's 15 and has done a cycle, working on his second. Some folks just don't care what the risks are.

Ahhh; to be young, dumb, and full of cum. :spin:
I know a kid that's 15 and has done a cycle, working on his second. Some folks just don't care what the risks are.

Ahhh; to be young, dumb, and full of cum. :spin:

Sounds like a retard I went to high school with bro and the dude is tiny and still juicing constantly. Let's say 5'10' 185. Guy is still a dumb ass
I know a kid that's 15 and has done a cycle, working on his second. Some folks just don't care what the risks are.

Ahhh; to be young, dumb, and full of cum. :spin:

Well i cant say nothing to him. i was 22 when i made the biggest mistake of my life. married to a girl which has been abused by her father,( i didnt know at the time) i was young and stupid.
still am 4 years after i keep learning from my mistakes. and trust me. those damn BiG Ms hit hard
started test when i was 18 and I never exceeded 500 mg/week. Im a boxer and a rugby player so I've been around it and seen people much younger doing it in much higher doses. Arnold was 16-17 when he started and never post cycled...look at him now?
If you're so aware of the risks of cycling at your age, and are stating that it can be done safely (because you heard about someone that recovered after a loooooooooong time on a cycle), what was the point of this thread again?

This is me not telling you that you're making a really stupid choice that may cost you not only a fully functioning penis in a few years, but also the possibility of having a family. Enjoy your stunted growth and unfinished brain development. I look forward to seeing you in the TRT forums in the future; please bring enough cookies to share with everyone when you do. :)

My .02c :wiggle:

What you apparently don't understand is that I've had tests done after both my previous cycles and everything returned to normal as if I had never even touched the gear. Ive never had problems getting an erection, and have gotten my girlfriend pregnant since my two previous cycles, which has strengthened my comfort with what I'm doing and reassured me that I'm healthy. This thread, and more specifically DexterMorgan, has informed me that staying on test for an extended period of time will require to me to up the dosage to maintain the effects and that a post-cycle with be tougher to go through, also increasing the risk of a deficiency. Thank you Dexter.