imo, horrible idea. drop the idea of Tren E , if you want to run Tren for a first go with it you need Tren A . and you don't want to stack your first go of Tren with an estrogen bomb like Dbol . the whole point of Tren is that it does not aromatize to estrogen, so why throw an estrogen bomb in there with it** . If you get elevated estrogen with a 19nor like Tren, then your going to really boost prolactin issues as well and be in a world of hurt, high prolactin and E2 and you won't be able to function sexually and you'll have lactating bitch tits.
Also , as for the test, just stick with a simple low dose of test e , not T400 blend with long esters.
Tren A 75mg EOD
Test E 250mg a week
9 weeks
with an AI at around .25mg 3x per week for the test
keep it simple man. your first go of tren needs to just be the Tren a, not T400 and dbol too.
** this is not to say you can't run Dbol with Tren , I've done it plenty. BUT I've done it in calculated ways with an extremely strong AI protocol in place, and having years of experience controlling my E2 and knowing my body