Russian D-Bol


Any of you guys use it?

Those are not Naps.

How are these compared to Naps and Thais D-Bols?
Yup those look like the same ones I have in my pocket. I will update you on how they do for me when they kick in. They are white with no score and a slightly beveled edge correct?
Popichulo said:
Yup those look like the same ones I have in my pocket. I will update you on how they do for me when they kick in. They are white with no score and a slightly beveled edge correct?

They are the same as you have. They are also the same one's that B-Legit used to go from like 200 or so lbs to 260lbs. :eek2:

LOL Ok, that and hamburger helper
i have the same ones, they are pretty cheap, so my friends eat them like candy, i have two kinds also, they make one with a diamond shape on them and on with out like the ones shown here, they are pretty legit, gains are like 4-7 pounds a weak, but my freinds faces are always blotted
LaundrySupplies...Those are not the same ones....yours are Naps........Naps and the ones I have are different............
really just noticed, is there a big difference that you now of, also stupid question, does is there 10mg, thai's and is there a difference in the pill from the 5mg
I am using them now for the second time, first time ran 30 mg a day for 5 weeks and got about 10-12lbs from them, I love them.
Thanks for all the helpful replies.........

BTW..If you had all 3 kinds...which would you guys perfer