S-4, gw & mk


New member
Hey guys, what do ya'll think of this stack. Can they all be stack together. I was looking at unique and saw these products. I read some great reviews on this company and their products and was just wondering about all 3 stacked together. If I get some positive feed back from you guys, I will make my order and run the cycle and do a thread on my progress and results. Do ya'll know if they ship to the US.
Hey guys, what do ya'll think of this stack. Can they all be stack together. I was looking at unique and saw these products. I read some great reviews on this company and their products and was just wondering about all 3 stacked together. If I get some positive feed back from you guys, I will make my order and run the cycle and do a thread on my progress and results. Do ya'll know if they ship to the US.

depends on what your goals are.you might need just one of these products .

yes they ship to the us.
Osta-Gain, why just those 2 and why not the Osta. I'm looking to make muscle gain and cut some fat. Side effects for any.
The MK is the osta sorry. Do both for gains and keeping lean. Hit me up on pm's if you want to try this and I can get you a code for a discount.
Osta-Gain, why just those 2 and why not the Osta. I'm looking to make muscle gain and cut some fat. Side effects for any.
I would osta and S4 for muscle gain and vascularity and you can stack those three muscle cutting. But I don't think I would use GW for muscle gain. S4 and osta would be a crazy stack
Yea, but to do that stack I would have to order from 2 different companies. I haven't found one that sells both. I did see on the net that is a good stack too. How much of each would I have to dose on both.
Yea, but to do that stack I would have to order from 2 different companies. I haven't found one that sells both. I did see on the net that is a good stack too. How much of each would I have to dose on both.

Let me know if you need anything else ;)