S4/LGD log. Cutting...........


rome wasnt built in a day
Going to be running S4 and LGD and will be throwing a log up. Been on a slow cut for a few weeks after packing on a lot of weight the previous 8 months. Diet is pretty clean, 20min or so of cardio a day, lifting to keep strength. Ive been on/off clen the past 3 weeks. I have dropped 10lbs since the start of cut. Pumped to log this!
I'm in to follow... LGD experiences and opinions seem to be all over the board and I've got it in my stash for later this year. Currently running Osta/S4/GW :)
Im on day 3 of doses right now, just figured id give it a couple days to start logging. I started with 1mg LGD, will bump +1mg every couple days til I get to 10mg or so. Im running 50mg s-4 daily until the bottle is down, at that point I'm adding in 30-45mg Epi for 4-6 weeks followed by 4 weeks of clomid. Then will continue running clen for 6 weeks@50mcg and 1mg of keto. The last couple days I have slacked, shit workouts, shit diet and little cardio. Easter and family being here for a week has thrown me off.

Not sure if related but coinciding with s-4/LGD I had 2 nights waking up completely covered in sweat to the point I had to change my pillows and sheets. I could literally ring them out. The last 2 days I have had rashes/hives on arms and legs. I have been working with materials that can/do contain chemicals that can give skin irritation and I have felt like I had sickness coming on so not sure if it is coincidence or related.
Started 2mg LGD, had a decent day in the gym yesterday, awesome pump, skin feels tighter, im down to 195 from a previous 206. Had that feeling yesterday, the feeling when you walk in the gym and feel like a bad motherfucka...it feels good to be back running something.
Side note, I always laugh when I see people complaining about the tasts of SS. You learn to love it, im to the point where I feel like im missing out if I dont have the taste lol
Will be upping LGD again tomorrow. Had my first vision sides with s4 today. Nothing major, but did have a relatively hard time adjusting going from outside to inside. Basically couldnt see for a minute, then everything was yellow for a few. Gave me somehwat of a headache but didnt last too long.

No changes on strength, like I said before Ive lost a lot since dropping 13+ lbs
How long into the cut did it take you before your weight dropped significantly?

2 days into cutting cals I started getting weaker, took me 2 weeks or so before I really started dropping weight. I still am in the habit of snacking at night. Thats really whats holding me back right now.
2 days into cutting cals I started getting weaker, took me 2 weeks or so before I really started dropping weight. I still am in the habit of snacking at night. Thats really whats holding me back right now.

Shoooooot I hear ya. I'm cutting too. It's not fun lol
All I want to do is eat lol...strength seemed to be up today, been having decent pumps as well
I am not hungry so far (2500 cals) but my strength is meh.
Just don't feel right. But I try to see weights as means to an end and not stress out about it...
Currents doses: S-4: 50mg, LGD: 5mg, Clen:50mcg

Strength has started picking back up, becoming veiny and pumps are very good. Its good to note that before starting S-4 and LGD I wasnt all that impressed with clen, but since adding it into the mix the effects have increased drastically. Its night and day difference how the effects have been enhanced from s-4 and lgd. Weight is right around 193 at the end of the day
Strength is definitely recovering, feeling/looking bigger. I have upped LGD to 8mg starting today, S-4 is holding at 50mg and I have dropped clen for a couple weeks, unless I decide to starting using the keto at night.

Weight is around 191-192 right now but I am most definitely starting to lean out. My diet is still holding me back some. good all day, good training, then snack at night. Veins are increasing and pumps are great.