Im on day 3 of doses right now, just figured id give it a couple days to start logging. I started with 1mg LGD, will bump +1mg every couple days til I get to 10mg or so. Im running 50mg s-4 daily until the bottle is down, at that point I'm adding in 30-45mg Epi for 4-6 weeks followed by 4 weeks of clomid. Then will continue running clen for 6 weeks@50mcg and 1mg of keto. The last couple days I have slacked, shit workouts, shit diet and little cardio. Easter and family being here for a week has thrown me off.
Not sure if related but coinciding with s-4/LGD I had 2 nights waking up completely covered in sweat to the point I had to change my pillows and sheets. I could literally ring them out. The last 2 days I have had rashes/hives on arms and legs. I have been working with materials that can/do contain chemicals that can give skin irritation and I have felt like I had sickness coming on so not sure if it is coincidence or related.