S4 log


just a Lil guy!!!
Today was my first day on S4. I'm going to be running 50mg ed for 4 weeks. Well I took my first dose of 50 today. Seems like my energy level def went up. I'll keep you guys posted .
Well today was my first gym session on S4. I noticed my stamina was higher then normal. I also noticed a slight increase in strength. I havent been hit with any sides thus far. I hope it stays like that. That's why I decided to go with the lower dosages. I also had knee surgery which also gives me some pain and noticed that there was no aches. It doesn't ache all the time so I can't be sure at this time.
Today was my third day on S4. I did shoulders and I defently had extra stamina today. I didn't wanna leave the gym but I had to go to work. I also started getting irritated very easy. I'm not sure if its S4 related. I also have been noticing a increase of strength. So far so good. I've been taking 50mg and I'm thinking about bumping it up just a tad to 60-70mg. I still haven't had any sides with it besides pissing like crazy.
Today was my my fourth day. I bumped my dosage up to 70mg. It was arms day. I noticed that there was a increase in strength. There was a point also that my arms were tired is hell but my body was calling me a pussy. So I kept going strong. It's amazing to me. Everything just seems so much better to me. I even think I look better. Lol Even the little things as walking up stairs seems easier. I do a lot of stairs at work. Today is my 7th straight day at work and I'm still not missing a beat. I would normally be getting worn down by now . Well see considering I'm working 12 straight days. My endurance level in general seems so much more. The only real side I've noticed is I piss a lot. I don't know why. Does anyone know if its normal? I also been getting some serious morning erections also. Lol. The girl doesn't mind.
I love S4. I've used it twice at the end of a cycle and my strength went up and it helped me keep my size. Gives good energy/endurance in the gym. I never went above 50mg/day, though I know some do. Vision sides were bad enough for me at 50.
I love S4. I've used it twice at the end of a cycle and my strength went up and it helped me keep my size. Gives good energy/endurance in the gym. I never went above 50mg/day, though I know some do. Vision sides were bad enough for me at 50.
YA, I've never done aas yet so i figured I try this first. I think 75mg is all I'm going to do
THanks! Starting S4 tomorrow. Not sure what dosage to start on yet.... still debating. thoughts? Any sides yet? Notice any gains?
Ya, I haven't really updated but I def noticed the pumps, muscle hardness, endurance, and strength. I been doing .75 5 days and off for two days. Sides been minimal. Shits great in my opinion.
Hey Herm could your frequent urination be caused by prostate enlargement? I'm not positive but I swear I read somewhere that a SARM could cause mild prostate enlargement.
If it is true, add some Saw Palmetto to your supps, it's pretty cheap.

I'm going with S4 for part of my PCT coming up so I will be following along.

Flex: what is Saw????
and yes, short half life ;( I will try Osta next as it has higer regard for fat burn. I'll run that with Al and IGF or Anavar (var) if I can ever find it LOL. I feel like a lephrechan searching for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... LOL
Flex: what is Saw????
and yes, short half life ;( I will try Osta next as it has higer regard for fat burn. I'll run that with Al and IGF or Anavar (var) if I can ever find it LOL. I feel like a lephrechan searching for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... LOL

If you are going to be on Anavar (var) or any AAS, I would not bother with any SARMs use simultaneously as any AAS usage will easily overshadow SARMs results-wise. Stack Anavar (var) with test prop for a good stack and way way better results in strength and ability to get lean.