Sarm Search Sarms s4 log XXX

Yeah I been doing a lot of super setting with heavy weight. S4 makes me crazy strong so i emphasize on that and it's always worked very well for me. Even thought I've lost a lot of body fat my traps, shoulders and upper arms have went added size. There just so many days in a row your body will let you superset in a row like that. Normally I couldn't do because my tendons start killing me. I've had numerous injections in my right hand and have been prescribed prednisone for tendon issues. GH pepetides and S4 are the only things that help.
ok guys took a day off and i came back strong. my body liked the day off every single lift is up. its pretty amazing. i hit chest today and i used 40lbs more on incline and 20lbs more on decline. i did decline last or im sure itd had a much larger increase. joints feel good im really vascular way WAY more muscular. ill get some more pics up in a few days.

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I have man its been nice. I did bicepts and calves today. Since starting I'm up about 100lbs on calve raises I was up about 20 on curls today keeping the same amount of reps since starting. This is one of the fastest recomps I've ever had. Today doing calve raises I had veins bursting out of my shoulders it looked great.

20lbs for easy curl 10lbs per arm. Lol I went back and read this and realized noone was going to know that.
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Today was a awesome leg day. i done some ass to floor squats with 360. the most i got out of a single set was 9 then one at 8 then one at 7 then i drop to 315 and done 2 sets. Had no idea id get that high on squat by the end, and i still have a good bit of S4 left. ran out of plates for leg press cause other members were using some, so i just had to double up on reps. Tomorrow after work i am going to hit shoulders as hard as i can. i plan on taking a lot of time for tricepts. i need to catch them up cause my shoulders are leaving the rest of the arm behind.
Ok guys I've been at a new second job and we haven't been allowed to have our phone with us alot of the time so sorry the few days I'vebeen away.

I been able to make it to an on site gym. This S4 hasn't stalled at all you guys. It's been hard eating a decent diet where I've been located but honestly I've done surprisingly good. I haven't been able to weigh my food being it's provided for us but I've kept it vegetables lean meat and wholegrains with water for my drink at reasonable proportions. I am beyond impressed so far. My weight is at 214 today while every week I'm leaner.

Today I had to double up and throw some extras in, I did legs calfs and traps I only done 10 minutes of cardio by the end of that workout I was wore out. But it was a good one very intense.
how far into the cycle are you? I just passed the 2 week mark and am seeing noticeable definition, specifically in pecs.
how far into the cycle are you? I just passed the 2 week mark and am seeing noticeable definition, specifically in pecs.

Today makes exactly 4 weeks. Had I been in a calorie deficit it would have chiseled me good. I ate about 200-500 calories over every day until this last week and I just guessed and done the best I could. The biggest change is lean mass, I have stacked it on quick. I'm bigger and stronger every where. I think I can stretch the bottle another 2 weeks I plan on focusing on trimming down a bit more.
Yesterday I slammed chest good. Focused on upper and lower. I done very little flat. Strength was approximately up 5 or 10 lbs from last workout. I usually never do french curls or brain crushers but I've been hitting those and they are working nicely.
I blitz bicepts hard today. Felt really good. I stayed more on the high rep side today around 15. The pump was awesome. I threw in some exercises I don't normally do. Done 15 minuets of hit after. Don't know how much good the cardio did being we had a party in class today between the 7 of us that completed the semester and passed the final being we watched a class of 48 dwindle down to just the 7 of us. So yeah I ate cake and shit today :/
Haha hey don't beat yourself up! Allow yourself to indulge sometimes.

And honestly when I'm on Sarms and I've been dieting, when I have a bad diet day, the next day I usually look pretty awesome.
I blitz bicepts hard today. Felt really good. I stayed more on the high rep side today around 15. The pump was awesome. I threw in some exercises I don't normally do. Done 15 minuets of hit after. Don't know how much good the cardio did being we had a party in class today between the 7 of us that completed the semester and passed the final being we watched a class of 48 dwindle down to just the 7 of us. So yeah I ate cake and shit today :/

no sweat man, it was my birthday yesterday and I lost control and ate about half of my entire birthday cake with some ice cream. Good thing the s4 keeps you nice and dry even on those heavy cheat days
Ok guys my newest updates. I've eaten over maintenance the entire time. I really was concerned with cutting at first but I was adding so much muscle while leaning I never lowered calories I just kept raising them. I'd call this a recomp more then anything cause I had all the beneficial results anyone would look for in a cut or bulk. I'm 5 days away from six weeks. I'll make it 5 more days so the bottle is easily good for six weeks if you don't abuse the dosage. The pic is starting and now.

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Good job man! Definitely looking bigger and leaner!

I started at 213 and I'm at 215 now. A good bit of muscle growth and leaning at the same time. I don't know how to calculate the math on it. I'd rank it very comparable results to aas right now. Extremely satisfied.
Ok yall. I finished the bottle off today. Wish I had more lol. Above and beyond solid product my finishing weight is 217. I gained 4 lbs while trimming up a good bit at least 1.5% bf drop. I couldn't have been more surprised and impressed. Sarmsearch is well worth your time to check out. I added up to a half inch on some muscles so in one word to describe "LEGIT"