S4 & OSTA stack, Sarms Search Swag

My dosing has been the same from the start 50mg S4 50mg osta. I'm face palming for not doing this stack sooner it giving gear like results in mass. When I started the stack my wrist was bothering me so I added some ghrp6, usually when ghrp6, cjc, is stacked with s4 It heals up what ever tendon issues I'm having. My wrist is better and I've stuck to the diet as well as I can but the ghrp6 has made me crave food like a beast. I'm up like 4 lbs from the start. This was supposed to be a cut lol. It's lean so I'm not complaining to much but once I finish the ghrp6 I'll drop a pic and get my diet under control. But yeah Iif u want to gain this stack is the shit also!
Yesterday done biceps and calves.

3 sets barbell curls
3 sets reverse grip barbell curls
3 sets hammer curls
3 sets pull ups
4 sets dumbell curls
4 sets cable curls

3 sets seated calve raises
4 sets standing calve raises
3 sets donkey raises
Are you running Clomid alongside your S4, and Osta?

If not, will you after? Just curious of your plan.

This logs great though, I've considered SARMS quite a bit. :)
Looking good over here! As I always say, s4 is my favorite. And for good reason!

The s4/Osta stack is 'old reliable' as far as stacks go for a recomp. Build muscle with Osta, cut and harden with s4...can't go wrong.
Are you running Clomid alongside your S4, and Osta?

If not, will you after? Just curious of your plan.

This logs great though, I've considered SARMS quite a bit. :)

They're the equivalent of legal gear man. Can't stress that enough. I'm on trt so no need for clomid during cycle. A pct for these 2 products would be pretty easy to recover from. Plus they stack with anything being they're not hemotoxic.
Yesterday i obliterated shoulders. Like never before. It was amazing. Rest time was almost instant recovery. I can't tell you how many sets I done. I just done set after set. I typically never sweat until I start cardio. I was pouring sweat while lifting weights. then I finished with 10 hard minutes of cardio.

front delt raises
side delt raises
reverse fly
overhead shoulder presses barbell
cable side delt raises
Yesterday i obliterated shoulders. Like never before. It was amazing. Rest time was almost instant recovery. I can't tell you how many sets I done. I just done set after set. I typically never sweat until I start cardio. I was pouring sweat while lifting weights. then I finished with 10 hard minutes of cardio.

front delt raises
side delt raises
reverse fly
overhead shoulder presses barbell
cable side delt raises

That's gotta be the s4. That's one of the main things I noticed was the extremely fast recovery time between sets.
That's gotta be the s4. That's one of the main things I noticed was the extremely fast recovery time between sets.

Yeah man s4 is great for recovery. It's the best workout compound I've ever used, strength skyrockets and endurance is instant.
Yesterday i I worked legs. I pumped out a bunch of extra sets. I was worried I'd be sore, but I'm not.
The things I'm noticing so far steady muscle growth, no fat gain regardless of how much I eat lol. The quality of the muscle is awesome, shaped great and very hard thick and dense.

squats and a lot of them. Lots of variances. Wide stance, close stance, heels in. Probably 15 sets total
Hex bar squats 2 sets
leg press 2 sets
leg curls 2 sets
leg extentions 3 sets
Can you give an example of rest time with and without the S4? Does not have to be super precise or anything, just looking to get an understanding of this.
Normally anywhere from 2-5 minutes rest time to be fully recovered enough to do another set. With S4 2 minutes tops and you're banging another full wieght set out. I can dose S4 and 30 minutes latter I'm 5-10% stronger just like that..and that strength last about 4 hours. With the stack I'm doing its intensified. Good shit bro....very good shit.
I've had to doulbe up the last 2 days because of over time ehhhhh. But I've been dieting good and it has began to literally melt it off now. Osta ..s4 why had I not stacked you!? Reps have stayed the same nothing has changed really except great fat loss.

I killed arms and legs in one day it was crazy hard to do on a empty stomach. But i pushed through. I'mgoing to wweigh and snap a pic tommorow and post
First off the main thing I'm noticing now is the more lean I get the more drastic the effects. Strength is higher and leaning is getting faster.

Sucks I've had to double up the last few days two body parts at a time.

back bi calves

legs and shoulders

legs and shoulders almost killed me

the vascularity in my shoulders and calves are popping!! Very nice eq like. In a few more weeks I'll be rittled with them. Very excited. I'll soon be starting a gw cycle after this but I am beyond happy with what this has provided so far.