S4 & OSTA stack, Sarms Search Swag

Sorry I been gone a few days, my mother was babysitting my son and he watched her put paper in a paper shredder and she walked off and he put some paper in there and it sucked a few of his fingers in. I been at the hospital without leaving his side for almost a week. We got to come home yesterday and he is scheduled to have another surgery tomorrow. Mentally it's been so hard on me.

The hospital only has a cafeteria and a McDonald's so I eaten McDonald's every single day. My sson's wanted me to eat cookies and things with him so i have been. I'm sure everyone can understand the gym and my diet haven't been any of my concern this week. So my new pic will be a few days late the day before and yesterday i made a quick gym session but it had no cardio. And I didn't really keep up with routine either I just went and killed it real quick, chugged a some whey and went back to my son. I'll be making my next gym trip in a few hours I'll get back to detail logging then.
This is a great thread....Do you split the s4 up into 2 doses? What is your timing of the doses? When do you take the Osta?

Thanks keep it up
Osta once ed @ 50mg S4 twice ed @ 25mg morning empty stomach and 50mg preworkout. I take osta ed and I take 2 days a week off from the S4 split up...example...mon & Fri off. Sometimes I'll use S4 ed I just use 25mg morning and 25mg afternoon. That depends on how low I'm running calories. In all honesty I rather eat maintenance and just do more cardio because I hate feeling hungry, and I've always seemed to keep more muscle that way also I'm guessing it's seems from having enough food for the muscle after working out. So i cheat and just do more cardio and eat more then most.
Late or early 1am yesterday i hit back. Went really good felt nice and strong. Weighed myself and I gained about 5 lbs not surprising eating McDonald's for a week but I assume 1lb maybe muscle from extra calories and 1 maybe from water from all the French fries lol. A day or 2 of dieting and I'll be able to know. Healing up extremely quick which is super awesome. Bicepts are barely sore today.

3 sets of dumbell rows
3 sets of wide grip pull ups
3 sets seated rows
5 sets later pull downs
5 sets dumbell shrugs
5 sets 5 sets hex bar shrugs
2 sets behind back barbell shrugs
2 sets rear delts flys, focused on back contraction

2 sets reverse grip curls
2 sets dumbell curls
2 sets wide grip cable curls
2 sets close grip cable curls
3 sets wide grip barbell curls

all bicepts sets were medium wieght...10 rep range
Today i worked legs. I didn't do as many sets as i normally do but i went very heavy around 8 rep range. I liked the strength and quick recovery which makes excellent leg days. More weight quicker set equals growth.

5 minutes warm up on elliptical

1 warm up squat set
3 sets of squats
3 sets leg press
3 sets hex bar squats....I'd never done these before they are like deadlifts without as much strain on the lower spine and abdomen, I really liked them and I'll be throwing them in for a while.
2 sets leg extention, 15 rep range

15 minuets of elliptical...this was rough to finish after squats.
Yesterday i done shoulders. There is definitely an improvement, they're bigger and I'm stronger on overhead shoulder press. I'm tying my pr for set weight and I'm cutting, that's pretty damn good. Had a awesome pump.

5 minute warm up

Barbell overhead shoulder presses 4 sets
dumbell side raises 6 sets
cable side raises 4 sets
Dumbell front raises 2 sets
barbell front raises 3 sets
reverse flys 3 sets

I done 5 minutes of cardio every 20 minutes or so. I think I done 3 before I quit.

cycle is better then I expected. Feeling strong every day.
Hit bicepts, abs, traps and calves. Started with 5 minutes cardio, i'm beginning to tell the cardio is beginning to be effective I can go longer without becoming winded so i may soon start adding more. I really like S4 before cardio I can keep intensity at a much higher rate.

weighted crunches 2 sets
knee raises 3 sets
leg raises for obliques 2 sets

didn't do much with abs..haven't been training them

5 sets seated calf raises ...5 sets toes in...5 sets toes out
5 sets standing calf raises..5 sets toes in...5 sets toes out

wide grip barbell curls 5 sets
dumbell curls 3 sets
machine curls 3 sets
cable curls 7 sets pyramid down

forearms 3 sets top and bottom

finished with 10 minutes cardio
Great log so far! Hows your son doing? That sucks bro, hope he is ok...

So why or how does S4/Osta help with cardio? That sounds very promising to me because I sometimes find myself in very serious and intense bouts of cardio where I can use a little help.
Is it the S4 that helps with the cardio? If so, it sounds like it would be a great thing to stack with Tren, since I heard Tren kills cardio.
Great log so far! Hows your son doing? That sucks bro, hope he is ok...

So why or how does S4/Osta help with cardio? That sounds very promising to me because I sometimes find myself in very serious and intense bouts of cardio where I can use a little help.

My son's doing better man thanks for asking. The dude is short a digit now but he's cool.

I'm not sure how it works to be honest but i don't get winded, and i don't get tired. The tired part is just the sarms mimicking test on the receptors, kinda easy to explain, it maybe the same reasoning behind not becoming winded as quickly or it may actually affect and dilate the bronchi I'm not sure. Either way I can kill some cardio on S4.
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Is it the S4 that helps with the cardio? If so, it sounds like it would be a great thing to stack with Tren, since I heard Tren kills cardio.

Tren increses my heart rate and tren does effect the pulmonary system, taking a moa and albuterol would be the only way around that. Lol tren sucks for cardio. And in my opinion I'd rather S4. I've said this many times and I'll mention it again, I'm stronger on S4 then tren, I may have to dose S4 twice a day but I'm ok with that. In addition tren is about the worst on your liver...s4 has 0 Hemotoxicity BUT... S4 with tbol or var or winny....could open new worlds
I when i first begin training my arms left my body behind and grew quickly. The last few years i haven't even trained arms, I've focused on just body and let the arms indirectly be trained. My situated has reversed my body has grown disproportionate to my arms and i am really focusing on them more then i have in the past. In the next few weeks i would really like to add an inch to my arms. I know that's a lot and may be unrealistic but I'm aiming for it.
I showed up at the gym in a very lazy mood. I couldn't get rolling fast so i just stayed and worked out till i was tired. Today i hit cheat and tris.

gloss grip flat bench 2 sets
wide grip flat bench 2 sets
incline smith 3 sets
decline smith 3 sets
machine flys 2 sets
dips 2 sets
cable Flys 2 sets

4 sets push downs
4 sets reverse grip pull downs
3 sets tricep extentions
3 sets wide grip push downs

then I did 6 minutes on the elliptical and felt lazy as hell so i just drank my shake and left. I didn't eat lunch that probably had a lot to do with how I felt.

Im healing up very fast, almost no soreness the next day. If i had time i really think i could pull off a 2x a day routine right now. Impressed every day with the stack so far.
Beginning weight was 205 yesterday i was 212 and today after a pizza buffet...yeah I ate pizza my mom ask me to go, I weighed 214. I'm up about 10lbs in strength on all lifts except curls I' up about 5lbs. I'll drop a pic tommorow afternoon, pretty damn impressed and still have a long time left in the cycle. And I'm actually cutting for those that are wondering if I'm bulking because of the weight gain. Arms have had a great improvement along with shoulders.
Yesterday hit legs. Slammed them hard with short rest periods.

5 minutes warm up on elliptical

3 stes hex bar squats
5 sets squats
4 sets leg press
2 sets leg extentions

6 sets seated calf raises toes out
4 sets seated calf raises toes in
3 sets standing calf raises toes straight
2 sets standing calf raises toes in
2 sets standing calf raises toes out

10 minutes elliptical

My calves were jello it was hard to walk
Today was a strong back day, probably because i was full of pizza.

5 minute warm up elliptical

2 sets wide grip pull ups
4 sets later pull downs
2 sets barbell rows
3 set cable rows
3 sets reverse flyes
3 sets close grip barebell shrug
3 sets hex bar shrugs 2 sets dumbell shrugs

2 sets ezcurl bar reverse curls
2 sets barbell reverse curls
4 sets hammer curls
3 set preacher curls
3 sets dumbell curls
3 sets machine curls
2 sets cable curls

15 minuets elliptical

I was burned out after this workout
Yesterday I trained shoulders. I only slept a few hours and worked a 14 hr shift so i was exhausted when I reached the gym. As of right now my arms look better every couple days after every workout. I'm so very impressed and wonder why I had never done this stack.

5 minutes elliptical
2 sets over head barebell press
3 sets over head dumbell press
2 sets reverse flys
3 sets Dumbell front raises
2 sets dumbell side raises
4 sets cable raises...concentrating on back delt

my friend complimented my arms and said I was getting bigger. Made me feel great
Definetly wanna stack the S4 with an AAS next go around.

It's fkn incredible man, seriously. S4 is the best all around ever. This osta S4 has slowly been adding to my arms every week. I'm at my best on dumbell over press. I'm shocked so far. I see why the osta S4 stack is raved about.