S4 & OSTA stack, Sarms Search Swag

Took a few days off lifting sticking to just 10 minute trips of cardio. Came back and felt strong. Ate what ever I wanted it was nice like a vacation.

I lowered the Osta to 25mg and quit taking the S4 till I came back to the gym.
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Yesterday i hit legs.

6 sets of squats
4 sets of leg press
3 sets hack squats

strength was up nicely from taking a few days off. I was surprised being i lifted none and didn't eat right.
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Just ordered some s4 for my next cruise. Have some primo depot enth on the way as well. I'm thinking 125 mg test cyp x2/week ,400 mg primobolin enNthate, 125mg dec/week and 25 mg s4/2x/day. would you add anything?
I'm trying to drop fat% while holding lbm.

Still blasting now with test tren deca mast for another 4 weeks. Hoping to get to 20% bf before the cruise. I've never used s4 before. It's 30 ml @ 100 mg/ml. Will 50mg/day be enough. I'm 5'09 240 lbs
Just ordered some s4 for my next cruise. Have some primo depot enth on the way as well. I'm thinking 125 mg test cyp x2/week ,400 mg primobolin enNthate, 125mg dec/week and 25 mg s4/2x/day. would you add anything?
I'm trying to drop fat% while holding lbm.

Still blasting now with test tren deca mast for another 4 weeks. Hoping to get to 20% bf before the cruise. I've never used s4 before. It's 30 ml @ 100 mg/ml. Will 50mg/day be enough. I'm 5'09 240 lbs

The one thing ive really noticed about S4 is the dose varies by person. Some people start at 50mg twice a day and there are some that start much lower. I personal can do 50mg a day and get very good results, you weigh 20lbs more then me so id advise to start at probably 60mg a day and adjust from there. The leaner you get the stronger it becomes, so the fact that your cutting means you may never have to drop your dose after you find the sweet spot. About 20 minutes after dosing S4 you will have a crazy strength increase thatll last about 3 hours, that window is also good for endurance. So cardio is drastically improved. Youll get to see what its all about, its good shit bro.
I upped my doses a bit yesterday and felt really good so I did a double up. Hit legs and shoulders in 1 day. That morning I done legs and later in the afternoon I felt like more. I am now running the Osta at 35mg once daily and the S4 at 40mg twice daily. I banged out squats like a champ. Never really reached a feeling of fatigue so I went back for shoulders late in the afternoon.

6 sets of squats
3 sets of hack squats
3 sets of leg press
2 sets of leg extentions

4 sets seated calve raises
4 sets standing calve raises

later on that day

3 sets over head should press
6 sets of cable side delt raises
6 sets cable rear delt raises
3 sets dumbbell front delt raises
3 sets reverse curls on fly machine

15 minutes of cardio at the end of shoulders
Today I went to a different gym so I got the oddball stare from all the norms. Decided to hit back and bis. Same as yesterday I can easily tell I upped the dose, fatigue is little to none I basically got bored and left...and I was hungry as hell. I decided I was going to kill some sushi when I left the gym so after I bought 3 different rolls lol.

3 sets of wide grip pull ups
3 sets of dumbbell rows
4 sets of cable pull downs
I wanted to do a few sets of machine reverse fly focusing on the center of the back but some jackass broke the machine today. So I substituted for dumbbells

3 sets of barbell curls
3 sets of wide grip cable curls
3 sets of close grip cable curls
3 sets of hammer curls
2 sets of ezcurl bar reverse grip curls

after back and bis at the same time my bicepts were jello so I done 12 minutes on a stair climber and head to the sushi bar.
The day before yesterday I hit some chest. It wasn't a huge workout as far as weights as I need to start doing more cardio.

3 sets flat bench
3 sets smith machine incline bench
3 sets smith machine decline bench
5 sets machine flys
2 sets dips

25 minutes of cardio. Gah I hate cardio but the S4 sure does make it easier.
Today I noticed im beginning to run low on Osta :( but I still have a bit of S4 im not going to end this log and begin a new until ive ran out of both. My next log is going to be Rad and Gw.

I am beginning to change up my routine a bit because of adding a lot of cardio. Ive also ended my lazy man diet today and Im beginning Carbcycling. Instead of going heavy on all my lifts ill loose about 1/4 of the weight and add reps.

Today was leg day ehh

I alternated back and forth between squat and leg press with as little waiting as my heart rate could handle. It burnt out the quads nicely. I stayed in reps around 12 in squat and 20 on the press. I didn't count how many sets, I guess I done this 4 times.

3 sets of leg extensions

and 35 minutes of cardio the first part hiit the last 10 minutes was miis

not sure if its the S4 or Osta but more vascular by the day. When I finish my bottles ill drop a new pic.
I missed a few days but I begin keeping a log. My strength begin to fluctuate up and down since I begin really cutting the calories back. Holy shit this stuff is freaking wonderful on low calories! I weigh 215 almost the same as when I started and Im much leaner and bigger. Im just severely impressed beyond words. I had no idea this combo was this efficient. Ive begin using the S4 once a day preworkout to make it last but im really eager to get into the Rad Gw log so I may just bridge into those 2 and end the log with a pic but itll be aleast 5 more days and ill stay carb free for a day to get a good idea.
6/17/2015 shoulders and tris

Went in pretty late at night which I hate doing because I get tired quicker. But I dropped the S4 and begin running and felt ok. I didn't run long maybe 5 minutes. There were a lot of people for it being night time and they had a few of the machines I wanted so I just kind of swang a wild workout and hit what machines I could.

3 sets of dumbbell side delt raises
6 sets of barbell front delt raises
3 sets of cable side delt raises
3 sets of cable rear delt raises with a rope
3 sets of cable side delt raises with a rope
5 sets machine reverse fly

2 sets of dips
4 sets of rope pull down
3 sets cable push downs
2 sets revers grip French curls

My tricepts are the hardest thing on my body to grow I hate it. S4 has been one of the best supps ive ever used to help add weight to put extra strain on the tricept and actually give me good results, its helped a good bit on my quads too.
That is what I do when the machines are full - make something up to just pass the time and yet still get important parts worked.
Good to hear S4 helped the triceps. My arms do not grow like I want them to...so I have the same issue as you and maybe then the same solution!
6/19/2015 legs

40mg of S4 prior to workout.

Im not happy with the amount of definition in my quads so ive started doing a lot higher reps. I hit the machines a bit more also.
I didn't start with cardio I usually do but I don't usually go over 3 minutes to start, it effects my squat.

3 sets of squats
3 sets of leg press
3 sets of leg extensions
2 sets of leg curls

I was out running errands this day so all I ate was breakfast I was sick I was so hungry. The S4 really helped me hang in there. I finished with 10 minutes of elliptical to boot.
That is what I do when the machines are full - make something up to just pass the time and yet still get important parts worked.
Good to hear S4 helped the triceps. My arms do not grow like I want them to...so I have the same issue as you and maybe then the same solution!

Heavy is the only way I can make the tricepts grow man. The strength increase that S4 gives has been a gift from the gods for me.
I been in the same old grind nothing has changed other then ive lost a few sets and added an extra 10 minutes of cardio. I freaking hate cardio it drains me so much worse then lifting. I know guys that can do an hour and a half of cardio, theres no way I could do that. So as of recently ive split my workout in to 2 trips a day. i usually do 20 to 30 minutes per trip. ive lost 2 inches off of my waist since ive started dieting, im weighing in only a few pounds lighter then when i started so the S4 and Osta stack have been amazing for me so far.
Ive ran into a weird situation. im leaving out of the country in 2 weeks and i was almost out of S4 i didn't want to start my saved Rad and Gw to only run it for 2 weeks. So i bought an additional bottle of S4 to use before i fly out. I really wish id had better discipline and begin dieting about 4 weeks earlier. I admit im pretty impressed how much ive accomplished in just 4 weeks so far. ill drop my last pic in about 12 days.

Just for the hell of it i may post some pics from the Philippines.

ill start dropping some of my cardio routines.
A year later I guess I'll post on my log. Lol
I looked pretty sharp when I first made it to the beaches guys, but all they have to eat is freaking rice and sushi there so I swelled up like a balloon. Good news was I still looked better than anyone eles. They're all bloated due to their rice diet.

So yeah I didn't really wanna drop a last pic. The last pic I posted was where my body peaked during the cycle so I remained about in that condition.

Easily one of the best cycles I ever ran though.