Safest 2 peptide stack??


New member
What's up guys, I've been reading as much as I can on peptides, here and throughout the net. I'm thinking of adding peptides midway through my current cycle or when I start PCT...then continue for about 6 months.

The GH releasing peptides are obviously the ones that have gotten my attention. My first thoughts are CJC-1295 (or mod grf 1-29) and Ipamorelin. Are the fact that these peptides very low on sides too good to be true?? Only negative I have found were, 3 patients in a study on CJC suffered heart attacks (no info on age or health, but thinking back they may have been aids patients)

Also, do these types of peps mess with blood sugar etc like other types? I have never had a problem with blood sugar, hypo, ever and don't really have any interest in messing with that.

Any thoughts on proper dosages, or other combos would be great. As of now, I'm going off the "1mcg to 2.2lbs" ratio in my planning.

Thanks fellas!!
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Diggy: I use these peptides and I am hypo as well. Hypo to the point that I test blood glucose multiple times a day. Igf will lower bg for a little while but I never have an issue with it. I eat protien/carbs before igf DES, have a shake before igf lr3 then I have some type of juice to spike insulin and finally a protien/fat meal after lr3.

I use mod grf 1-29. This IMO is the best ghrh. I also use all of the ghrp's. Ipam is a good choice and I've never seen sides from it and I've dosed as high as 500mcg at a time. You will feel a little flushed at first but it's nothing.

Just use that combination (mod grf/ipam) at 100-150mcg three times a day. I think ghrp2 is stronger or equally as strong but usually less expensive and I've never seen sides from that either.

With these(ghrh/ghrp) you really need both. A ghrh (mod grf) alone won't do anything unless you happen to be lucky enough to pin during a natural pulse. But you add the ghrp and you force a pulse oh gh.

I don't think you will have any problem using this and it's great for pct because it should increase growth factors and aid in recovery. When people pin gh it actually increases bg so you wouldn't need to worry about going hypo but there's a lot of gh out there that isn't very good and causes bg levels to go up and down. That's why I spend more time with the peptides.

I think igf is also a great addition especially in post cycle therapy (pct). I use DES pre workout. It will help shuttle nutrients similar to insulin(just not as well but not dangerous) and it will provide a great pump that you usually lose in post cycle therapy (pct). Also igf levels are then elevated and it's is a major part of causing hyperplasia(growth of new muscle cells).

Now igf can lower bg, so I take my shot then have a shake with protien, carbs, bcaa's, sometimes creatine. This will provide carbs/protien to keep bg up but is also providing the important nutrients needed and the igf is helping get them into the muscle. At 100mcg I would crash about 30 minutes into training so I sip on another shake while training and this eliminated the problem. It may be depleted glycogen or bg crashing but either way it solved the problem and is very useful for growth.

Then pwo I dose my ghrp/ghrh immediately after.
Then about an hour after the ghrp/ghrh inject, I'll take igf lr3 with juice or fruit to cause an insulin spike. About an hour later I'll have a meal(I try to have a protien/fat meal but doesn't always happen).

This is just how I like to run these. I find it effective and absolutely aids in pct but also on cycle. You could start with the gh peps or igf first and see how you like it then add the other later if you like. I don't seem to have an issues on bg caused by the peps. I've had a lot of bg issues lately, worse than before, but it's been with all these things and when I wasn't on anything so I know they are not the problem. And I'm talking a little after eating, when bg is supposed to be elevated for about two hours, my bg is dropping to 40-60, and it's normally 150-200 during that time.

Long post to say I don't think you will have any issues. Some guys use to report going hypo off igf, which again it should lower bg, but have protien and carbs in you and it shouldn't be a problem. And if you are hypo, you should have a regular eating schedule and trying to keep bg consistent anyway. Mine use to be fine as long as I didn't go long without food but now it crashes after eating.
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As usual user, thanks so much for the informative post. I really appreciate that...clears up a lot of questions. I think i will start with the gh peps and see how i do. I was planning on trying gh when i turned 40 (im almost 37 now) but maybe these peptides will be the answer.

I will save the igf's for when i think im educated enough.

Thanks again user, learned a ton from you over the past year.
No problem at all. We are all learning with this stuff but I think if you put in the time you will see the benefits. And honestly as we get older it seems the gh peps especially have shown to improve quality of life by replacing diminished gh levels.
and are their sides for women ? A friend wanted the benefit s of the gh spikes....dosing relatively the same ?
Let me check on this. Gh is good for women as well but they require much less then men and I'm not sure how this translates.

Men need gh in pulses, women have whats caked gh bleed where they don't have pulses or spikes but an elevation for longer periods of time. It's my understanding that cjc w/DAC produces that type of gh release.

But I haven't spent much time into researching these in females.
Let me check on this. Gh is good for women as well but they require much less then men and I'm not sure how this translates.

Men need gh in pulses, women have whats caked gh bleed where they don't have pulses or spikes but an elevation for longer periods of time. It's my understanding that cjc w/DAC produces that type of gh release.

But I haven't spent much time into researching these in females.

You are correct brother for women the CJC with DAC is needed to cause gh bleeding since that is the way a female pituitary gland releases it. Blessings. Minister.
Diggy: I use these peptides and I am hypo as well. Hypo to the point that I test blood glucose multiple times a day. Igf will lower bg for a little while but I never have an issue with it. I eat protien/carbs before igf DES, have a shake before igf lr3 then I have some type of juice to spike insulin and finally a protien/fat meal after lr3.

I use mod grf 1-29. This IMO is the best ghrh. I also use all of the ghrp's. Ipam is a good choice and I've never seen sides from it and I've dosed as high as 500mcg at a time. You will feel a little flushed at first but it's nothing.

Just use that combination (mod grf/ipam) at 100-150mcg three times a day. I think ghrp2 is stronger or equally as strong but usually less expensive and I've never seen sides from that either.

With these(ghrh/ghrp) you really need both. A ghrh (mod grf) alone won't do anything unless you happen to be lucky enough to pin during a natural pulse. But you add the ghrp and you force a pulse oh gh.

I don't think you will have any problem using this and it's great for post cycle therapy (pct) because it should increase growth factors and aid in recovery. When people pin gh it actually increases bg so you wouldn't need to worry about going hypo but there's a lot of gh out there that isn't very good and causes bg levels to go up and down. That's why I spend more time with the peptides.

I think igf is also a great addition especially in post cycle therapy (pct). I use DES pre workout. It will help shuttle nutrients similar to insulin(just not as well but not dangerous) and it will provide a great pump that you usually lose in post cycle therapy (pct). Also igf levels are then elevated and it's is a major part of causing hyperplasia(growth of new muscle cells).

Now igf can lower bg, so I take my shot then have a shake with protien, carbs, bcaa's, sometimes creatine. This will provide carbs/protien to keep bg up but is also providing the important nutrients needed and the igf is helping get them into the muscle. At 100mcg I would crash about 30 minutes into training so I sip on another shake while training and this eliminated the problem. It may be depleted glycogen or bg crashing but either way it solved the problem and is very useful for growth.

Then pwo I dose my ghrp/ghrh immediately after.
Then about an hour after the ghrp/ghrh inject, I'll take igf lr3 with juice or fruit to cause an insulin spike. About an hour later I'll have a meal(I try to have a protien/fat meal but doesn't always happen).

This is just how I like to run these. I find it effective and absolutely aids in post cycle therapy (pct) but also on cycle. You could start with the gh peps or igf first and see how you like it then add the other later if you like. I don't seem to have an issues on bg caused by the peps. I've had a lot of bg issues lately, worse than before, but it's been with all these things and when I wasn't on anything so I know they are not the problem. And I'm talking a little after eating, when bg is supposed to be elevated for about two hours, my bg is dropping to 40-60, and it's normally 150-200 during that time.

Long post to say I don't think you will have any issues. Some guys use to report going hypo off igf, which again it should lower bg, but have protien and carbs in you and it shouldn't be a problem. And if you are hypo, you should have a regular eating schedule and trying to keep bg consistent anyway. Mine use to be fine as long as I didn't go long without food but now it crashes after eating.

As usual you have covered all bases, nothing else to add. God bless you brother.
Thanks minister but I'm just trying to catch up with you my friend.

Tuetonic looks like cjc with DAC is the way to go for a female. I'm assuming a low dose but one inject last a few days. I'm sure a quick google search would give some dosing protocols.