Sample Meal Pictures Thread


Getting Bigger and Bigger
Thought this could be a good thread to help give people idea's of things they could add to their diet's to switch it up; here's some basics that are some of my easy fast goto meals. As you can see the picture in the middle i had already eaten one of the ribeye's before taking the picture haha, was hungry, you can see i cut most of the fat off, all that i can.
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lol i know these were all taken in around meals 5-6 of the day i usually cut back on the carbs after meal 4 plus im cutting right now for a month or two :dance2: is my low carb day so I have visions of rice and potatoes dancing through my head LOL
feel free to add pictures of some of the meals you're making and eating atm. give other's idea's and get idea's for meals all in one thread. snacks everything post em here.
I don't ever have time to take a picture...the longer I wait on eating it the more likely I am to cheat on my food. So if I went in there to grab my camera...I might pass different varieties of junk food and end up getting kidnapped by them. It's dangerous out there. Can't take that risk. Best I can do is describe my mashed potatoes in vivid detail
How about this, chicken steak, pork chop, sirloin steak, and a sausage served on a bed of chips in black pepper sauce, on a sizzling hotplate bwahahaha
i thought i was the only one that radomly took pics of food and just saved them .. lol .. these are just some stuff from the last couple months ..

my wife makes me some monster salads ..

container with beans and ground turkey with avacado on the side is something i sometimes pack up and take to work with me , when im in a hurry rushing out the door .. !!

i love fish .. have salmon, tuna, tilapia, or mahi mahi almost EOD