SANS Loaded and others verses ALA for MORE efficient Glucose Disposal!


Community Veteran

This along side:
-taurine (compliments the VS as an insulin mimicker)
-selenium selenate (complements the VS as an insulin mimicker)
-vinegar: recent studies showed that a small amount of Acetic Acid (the main ingredient in vinegar) enhances glycogen synthesis in muscle tissue. (the reason many triathelates and marathon runners are utilizing this stuff).

This stack could be the most effective insulin mimicking cocktail out there. Blunting insulin receptors from insulin use does not appeal to me (neither does the fat gain). However, diverting fat storage in exchange for the anabolic properties that go along side PROPER glucose repartitioning DOES.... and is UNDER-VALUED. It will also help MANY to avoid the potential for NIDDM and /or Syndrome "X" commonly seen in high carb enthusiasts---people that have mild insulin resistance over a long period of time.

The above-mentioned stack SHOULD be efficient at PROPER glucose disposal and superior glycogen repletion.

I will be attempting this stack as soon as the stuff arrives.....I will report progress/updates for anyone interested.

PS: Metformin (Glucophage) IMO should NOT be used d/t gastrointestinal irritation, increased lactic acididosis as well as its lowering of IGF-1. It IS effective but the sides are not worth it. Not for OUR healthy lifestyles. ther are better alternatives!!!! (ABOVE!)

GLA and CLA would make this an even better stack.....but it begins to pricey!

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That's good news since I already use all 3. I don't know what the proper dose of Taurine is, however. My creatine cocktail contains 1000 mgs. of it.
Glucorell R does all that and bag of chips.

It is infinitely more effective at partitioning glucose than that mix and it has many other health benefits that those don't.
Let me think do I want to take the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world that improves liver function, inhibits cancer activation and proliferation, slows the aging process by firing up the mitochondria so it produces much fewer free radicals, protects the brain and nerves cells from free radicals and toxins... Or do I want to take Loaded?

No contest.