SARM cycle for the summer


New member
Hey guys,

starting my cut now. Looking to bulk towards the end of this summer and into the fall/winter. What Sarms could assist me?
Ok, I just ran Osta around maintenance and put on like albs. Not too shabby. Strength went up a bit too. How did you dose it? Clomid PCT?
Ok, I just ran Osta around maintenance and put on like albs. Not too shabby. Strength went up a bit too. How did you dose it? Clomid PCT?

I agree that LGD is the best mass builder. It's the most anabolic sarm by far. My sweet spot is 8mg, but start low. Some do not need that much. 1-3mg is a good start, then bump it up from there as needed. 6-8 weeks is a good cycle length. Pct should always be clomid and nolva. Some may disagree, but even with sarms you want to assure that you get your hormones back up to speed as quick as possible. PCT is one of those things that it's ok to overkill.
Sounds good. So both clomid AND Nolva right? For Ostarine, Im running just Clomid for 4wks. Still better than the OTC bullshit. I know LGD is more suppressive. What AI would you recommend? I remember reading that it doesn't aromatize, however id rather be safe than sorry. Arimistane?
Sounds good. So both clomid AND Nolva right? For Ostarine, Im running just Clomid for 4wks. Still better than the OTC bullshit. I know LGD is more suppressive. What AI would you recommend? I remember reading that it doesn't aromatize, however id rather be safe than sorry. Arimistane?

Lol, you combined the two different names's either arimidex or exemestane. Either one would work fine, but I highly doubt you'll need one. There's no aromatization going on with these compounds. You can keep one on hand, but don't run it unless blood work indicates that you need to.
No, I didnt. There's another AI, not as potent, called arimistane. And thank you for the advice! Will be using LGD this summer for 8 weeks after i cut down.
Sounds good. So both clomid AND Nolva right? For Ostarine, Im running just Clomid for 4wks. Still better than the OTC bullshit. I know LGD is more suppressive. What AI would you recommend? I remember reading that it doesn't aromatize, however id rather be safe than sorry. Arimistane?

Just have a PCT on hand and run it after. an AI on hand is always a good idea just in case but i doubt you would need it. but do a PCT after the run IMO
Excited to see how you like LGD. it's definitely a killer mass builder. And like they said above, keepable gains while you're at it. Would love to see a log!