Ok, I just ran Osta around maintenance and put on like albs. Not too shabby. Strength went up a bit too. How did you dose it? Clomid PCT?
Sounds good. So both clomid AND Nolva right? For Ostarine, Im running just Clomid for 4wks. Still better than the OTC bullshit. I know LGD is more suppressive. What AI would you recommend? I remember reading that it doesn't aromatize, however id rather be safe than sorry. Arimistane?
I have never used a PCT with any sarms other LGD.....my .02
Big fan of S4!
Sounds good. So both clomid AND Nolva right? For Ostarine, Im running just Clomid for 4wks. Still better than the OTC bullshit. I know LGD is more suppressive. What AI would you recommend? I remember reading that it doesn't aromatize, however id rather be safe than sorry. Arimistane?
A s4, lgd stack would be fkn insane for a bulk.
Yes and YES. S4 is so versatile. Great as a standalone for a cutter and also great stacked in a bulker to keep your gains hard and dry.