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hallo.i was thinking of addin to my 900 mg 11 keto cycle a SARM,i dont want any gains,but i want more vascularity-hardness.(im already low bf).can u guys suggest a SARM to achieve my goal and where to buy it?thanks.
11 keto didn't do much for me. I have considered S4 but I'm concerned about it's effect on M1 receptors in other areas of the body beside the eyes. I would love to try the stuff but I'm very cautious about my health.
My vision sides on 50 mg of Unique S4 5 days a week are noticable, but not horrible.
As barnzy said, the worst is the slooooow dim light adjustment of your eyes.
To be fair though, I am not convinced yet that the positive effects of S4 aren't just placebo...
I love the effects of S4.......And the S4 I took was certainly not placebo. I would say it has high dose anavar effect to me.
For vascularity and hardness S4 would be a solid addition and I'm in agreement that the pros outweigh the cons. This last time I ran it at 75mg per day 7 days a week. I think this next time through I'm going to just stick to 50mg and go 5 on/2 off. I never had the night vision issues, or any yellow tint for that matter, but the lengthy adjustment period going from natural light to flourescent light is definitely prevalent. I'm kind of a sicko, but actually kind of enjoyed this "side effect" until the last week or so and then I was kind of looking forward to adjusting to light like normal. I won't be running it again for about 6 weeks out from now, but I gotta say I kind of miss it (Though I'm enjoying GW right now)!
S4 is the bomb. By far my favorite SARM. It does produce vision sides, yes, but they're not particularly noticeable unless you're a night driver, etc, (in which case you mos def want to be careful). But good thing about S4 is that your vision will normalize after you go off. Very quickly back to normal, so don't worry about irreversibility.
I'm curious about 11-keto. How suppressive is it compared to other prohormones (epi-strong, hella, katana, etc)? I'm wondering about adding it to my sarms cut
11-keto is super mild, yo... Has to be run at pretty high dosages to make it effective, but definitely a solid addition for a cut... I've been running really high dosed topical 11-OXO (mrsupps xosterone) with Gw and dig the combo.